WTF??? TSA gropes little kids! and goes to schools


New member
Oct 16, 2010
how can this be in 2011? thought it's possible only in some futuristic science fiction but not in your America
[ame=""]YouTube - ‪TSA launches groping at high school proms, other public places‬‏[/ame]

I have sat down and watched TSA for a while in a couple different airports, most time spent in Ohare and Denver and I have never seen a kid get taken to the side. Plenty of adults though, everything from ball touching to explosive testing swipes on the palms of hands.. I have personally gone in the X-Rayer machine twice now, I have a problem with it for sure but if they want to see my dick and it's what I need to do to get out of there without issues, I will break down like a little bitch for sure.

Note: I am an American who lives out of the country, I think it's why they X-Ray me, I have been remaining out for a year at a time the past few years.
lol infowars lol Alex Jones lol
lol as hard as you can

The world was startled when the London Times reported on its front page, May 11, 1987, that the World Health Organization (WHO) had "triggered" the AIDS epidemic in Africa through the WHO smallpox immunization program.

Dr. William Campbell Douglass, M.D., wrote that HIV was finally produced (genetically engineered) in 1974, after having been PREDICTED and REQUESTED! He tells us that the AIDS virus by the WHO (World Health Organization), was not just a diabolical scientific exercise that got out of hand. It was a cold-blooded successful attempt to create a killer virus which was then used in a successful experiment in Africa. African AIDS was the result of the smallpox eradication vaccine program conducted by the World Health Organization during the 1970s.
No need to get trolled by BluuueJammm. If you look at his posts, non of them is of his opinion, he goes with whatever the mainstream tells him. Pure sheeple.

Now that is funny coming from someone that just automatically believes the oposite of whatever the general consensus is, a true sheeple.