WTF? Ron Paul gets back in the game

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New member
Jun 3, 2007
So I'm doing a little research tonight looking at the other options available to us. The only potentially decent candidate I see is Wayne Allyn Root the VP for the Libertarian party ... he's a business man, celeb & made a ton of money in sports betting. Whatever, more entertaining than worth a vote .. then I came upon this little snippet when looking up Chuck Baldwin

A September 5, 2008 article from stated, "Congressman Ron Paul will make a major announcement next week in Washington D.C. at the National Press Club. Both Bob Barr and Chuck Baldwin are expected at the news conference. Barr is the Libertarian presidential nominee and Baldwin is the presidential nominee of the Constitution Party. Some on various online forums have speculated that Baldwin and Barr are stepping aside so that Paul can become the nominee of both the Constitution and Libertarian Parties." [3] This, however, can not be confirmed until the announcement.

That major announcement is happening tomorrow @ 10

I'll be paying close attention but am not holding my breath for him running this year. It would, however, be a very smart thing to get the 3rd tier parties together for a united vote. From my understanding of our broken political system, If any one party gets 5% of the vote (we know RP will get that without campaigning) then they get a bump in federal funding and hopefully will make up some ground on the big 2.

More money = more face time = more votes = even more money = then an end to the Republocrats monopoly sometime in our life

Honestly, I got goosebumps just thinking about Dr. Paul being in the oval office. It's been months since I've been inspired.

Can anyone plug me a link to the video ofhis speech today. I'm just getting to the point where I can take a look. I've read some articles on what it was about but would rather hear it from the horses mouth & I can't find it. No digg stories or anything ... Fucking internets
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