WTF! Obama May Call In Attorneys

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New member
Jun 12, 2007
Obama may send attorneys after California because they are stating alot of voters were confused and didn't get to vote.

I sure hope these Dem fools don't try to pull all this attorney shit like they did in 2000. If you are to fuckin stupid to vote once you are at the polling station, then you don't need to vote.

"Aaaa derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr what button do I pull? Is it the one next to the name I want to vote for??????????????????"
i like all the retards who wasted their votes on edwards.

Haha no doubt. I feel bad for the guy, especially for those who are on that side of the isle and were aligned with his thinking, he seemed like a decent candidate, more so than the current options.
if it's done intentionally to confuse voters then i think he has a right too
I don't think it's so much the voters as it is the TEMPS running the Damn Polls. It was a fucking nightmare here in NJ. They Were so FUCKING backwards and unorganized. Good for Obama
I think for the past 8 years there's been a master conspirator who has gone to every polling station in the US and replaced the text "George W Bush" with "Asshat". This alone confused enough people and they pulled it because it sounded silly.

America hasn't recovered yet I guess.

Exactly how do people get CONFUSED about voting?
Don't blame the edwards voters, the votes he got were almost entirely from early voting/mail in ballots from before he dropped out of the race.

According to msnbc the pledged delegate totals for the night are going to be around 841obama, 837 clinton, 14 states for obama, 8 for clinton. The next 7 states to vote this week are all caucuses.

If I were Obama, I wouldn't be contesting California unless Hillary demands a recount in Missouri. I wonder how New Mexico will turn out, it looks like Obama has a slim lead with 93% reporting.
Don't blame the edwards voters, the votes he got were almost entirely from early voting/mail in ballots from before he dropped out of the race.

According to msnbc the pledged delegate totals for the night are going to be around 841obama, 837 clinton, 14 states for obama, 8 for clinton. The next 7 states to vote this week are all caucuses.

If I were Obama, I wouldn't be contesting California unless Hillary demands a recount in Missouri. I wonder how New Mexico will turn out, it looks like Obama has a slim lead with 93% reporting.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a recount in the primaries worthless? I'm not sure about Missouri, but I thought most states gave out all delegates to one candidate, not necessarily based on the popular vote from the primaries? So wouldn't a recount be pretty pointless?

By the way, nice to see someone else from the 480 :).
hehe Hi Soph, 480 represent! :1orglaugh:

In the democratic primary the delegates are not winner take all, there assigned proportionately by district. If Missouri had a recount, and Hillary some how made up 10k votes, she'd gain 1 delegate.
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