WTF Is up with Jeff Johnson, IS he or legit or just shitty

I heard his traffic is unstoppable.

....but seriously, come on. Just another guru peddling garbage.

enough said.

it's legit. scared money don't make money.

i learned google takes it in the backdoor. o whey. i meant google left their back door open.

OP, if you have a 'secret' traffic source would you

milk it for every penny and bathe in riches

milk it for every penny, bathe in riches and when it dry up sell it.

milk it for a single penny and out it because you want to help people
His story is weird.

He says that the got burned by google and no longer has an account with them.

Yet he holds a google adsense check.

How does that work?
don't ask questions, just BELIEVE YOU CAN DO IT TOO!@

You to can learn the secret.

It will be REVEALED for $49...but that is not all, order now and you can get two for the price of one

That's right.....two secret for the price of one.

At least its not like the Ryan Deis latest campaign of suck. I found the SECRET...screw google, its ....*drum roll* facebook!

Of course his last sell was all about google.

So go figure.

From the looks of his neatly laid out traffic formula that doesn't look like it was made by a 3rd grader....i'm sold. Looks unstoppable.
i think im just sing the state farm jingle and have him magically poof into my living room then kick him in the nuts and demand the secret
We should all start some rumors that IM gurus are desecrating the Koran, then take comfort in their disappearance.
His story is weird.

He says that the got burned by google and no longer has an account with them.

Yet he holds a google adsense check.

How does that work?

There are some things we "average citizens" will never understand. He added spirituality into marketing - that's all.