wtf is up with COPEAC ?

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New member
Jan 20, 2008
the website is down.

leads are not being counted, PPC campaigns are tanking.. wtf

Not sure. I started with copeac about 2 weeks ago. Made a couple hundred dollars a day for the first couple days, and then all of the sudden my conversion rates with the e-mail submits went from about 25% to about 2% so I just haven't been doing much with them. Since it was my first endeavor into that kind of marketing, I just chalked it up to experience and walked away a little richer. Maybe something else is going on though, I wish I could still pull that kind of conv. rate.
See Mike.. this is what happens when you spend too much time jerking off in your office to gay porn! Some people will never learn..
me, i'm just getting into this shit.. and after sending like 500 targeted clicks, i had 15 email-submit conversions.. which seems kind of low now that you mention it, joshmv..

and now even that i can't see because the site is not responding.
not to mention money spent on clicks that went nowere..

what the fuck guys
Hmmm, that explains my low conversions for today :(

Not sure. I started with copeac about 2 weeks ago. Made a couple hundred dollars a day for the first couple days, and then all of the sudden my conversion rates with the e-mail submits went from about 25% to about 2% so I just haven't been doing much with them.

The exact same thing happened to me. Did it happen to you on Feb 8?
No problem for me on copeac today.

But same here with the email/zip submits, it's always the same. They convert good for 2 ou 3 days (I made something like 5k$ in 3-4 days with one of them....) and then they just die. Advertiser cheat or just quickly saturated offer, I don't know.
yea I sent a lot of clicks over to copeac and it said I only had 65 clicks for yesterday. I wake up this morning and then it says I have 174 for yesterday + this morning. I didn't get any new clicks this morning except for the random few. weird...
If you can let me know what the specific issue is, I can look in to it. Feel free to post it or email me with details at mike at intermark media dot com
Not sure. I started with copeac about 2 weeks ago. Made a couple hundred dollars a day for the first couple days, and then all of the sudden my conversion rates with the e-mail submits went from about 25% to about 2% so I just haven't been doing much with them. Since it was my first endeavor into that kind of marketing, I just chalked it up to experience and walked away a little richer. Maybe something else is going on though, I wish I could still pull that kind of conv. rate.

That's really strange... I've had my fair share of strangeness as well. Like for example when I register for a lead myself sometimes it doesn't register at the network... I often do this just to test because it often happens that leads are not registered...

When I ask affiliate managers about this they have little to say and they don't seem to be doing anything about this either...

P.S. This is not specific to Copeac, this is just my general experience with CPA networks. I haven't promoted anything from Copeac yet.
That's really strange... I've had my fair share of strangeness as well. Like for example when I register for a lead myself sometimes it doesn't register at the network... I often do this just to test because it often happens that leads are not registered...

When I ask affiliate managers about this they have little to say and they don't seem to be doing anything about this either...

P.S. This is not specific to Copeac, this is just my general experience with CPA networks. I haven't promoted anything from Copeac yet.

If you test offers make sure to clear your cookies each time, and to use unique information on each test as some offers go to the same advertiser and they do de-dupe against their DB
Thanks for getting back to us Mike. I actually got my check in the mail today from Intermark Media so it's good to see you guys pay so quickly.

I actually love the copeac network, but can you explain to us why you think the conversions can be so high and then drop off so quickly. I do not think copeac is doing anything shady, and if they were, they could do a much better job :)

Could it be the actual advertisers doing something funny and not reporting all leads? I advertise on facebook and I know it's targeted traffic, so it seems weird that I can do hundreds of leads that convert so well, and then the same offer just drops off the map.

It was strange because at first anything I tried was successful, and now I've been experimenting and the leads just aren't there.

Again, I'm not upset at all, I made a good amount for the work I put in, but I'd like to continue doing it if I can figure out why I'm not able to get any leads.
Copeac are tracking fine for me. I have a few offers converting at 25% for over 1 month now. Their tracking seems great to me.
I think they're great. Mike has looked after me with issues before.
Thanks for getting back to us Mike. I actually got my check in the mail today from Intermark Media so it's good to see you guys pay so quickly.

I actually love the copeac network, but can you explain to us why you think the conversions can be so high and then drop off so quickly. I do not think copeac is doing anything shady, and if they were, they could do a much better job :)

Could it be the actual advertisers doing something funny and not reporting all leads? I advertise on facebook and I know it's targeted traffic, so it seems weird that I can do hundreds of leads that convert so well, and then the same offer just drops off the map.

It was strange because at first anything I tried was successful, and now I've been experimenting and the leads just aren't there.

Again, I'm not upset at all, I made a good amount for the work I put in, but I'd like to continue doing it if I can figure out why I'm not able to get any leads.

Josh a lot of factors go in to it i am sure, i have no doubt the advertiser scrubs by sub ID within networks based on path value, meaning how many forms people fill out (the money they make) VS how much they paid for singups (the money you make) by id within the networks. Over time your value may not be what they expect so they scrub some out. This is all my own opinion based on what i hear.

You should try some of the download offers we have such as screen savers and smileys in place of email submits in your search traffic. Typically search traffic is not as valuable as email traffic to these kind of offers so if you run search try a different offer it might appeal more to users and convert higher.
Thanks for the message Mike. I've tried to branch out to some other stuff, but facebook is pretty picky, so it's tough getting a lot of it through.

I picked out an ad I thought might work well:

Pastry Shoes << Yes that's an affiliate link, just needed an example

I do not make a habit of testing out offers since I don't really need them sticking me for fraudulent leads, but since we were discussing it on this thread, I decided to test out the ad.

I had my girlfriend submit an e-mail on my copeac account at her house, and I did one on ad4dough (same basic system, and also a network I've never used before). I checked my stats on both, they both tracked the click, but not the lead.

I would think it was a second level lead or something, but it does say it's an e-mail submit.

Not sure what's going on, just trying to do an experiment to figure it out. Maybe I've been blacklisted or something :anon.sml:
Josh a lot of factors go in to it i am sure, i have no doubt the advertiser scrubs by sub ID within networks based on path value, meaning how many forms people fill out (the money they make) VS how much they paid for singups (the money you make) by id within the networks. Over time your value may not be what they expect so they scrub some out. This is all my own opinion based on what i hear.

You should try some of the download offers we have such as screen savers and smileys in place of email submits in your search traffic. Typically search traffic is not as valuable as email traffic to these kind of offers so if you run search try a different offer it might appeal more to users and convert higher.

Thanks for this post, Mike. It confirms what I thought, but what my AM was denying.

I too am using Facebook ads with email submits. It's working great for most offers, but sometimes it happens that an offer is converting pretty good (between 25 and 40%) over a longer period and then, BOOM!, it drops to 2 to 4% conversion overnight and never goes up again. This happened to me twice in the last 3 weeks. It turns a healthy profit into a big loss. It's making me a bit paranoid: I'm now looking at my conversion rates at least once a day and am afraid to scale my campaigns upwards.
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