Wtf is this here interwebz thing


New member
Aug 20, 2010
Hi everyone, this is my first post.


With that out of the way, let me cut to the chase.

I found the 200k/yr thread a few weeks ago. Long story short, I decided to either learn this shit or die trying. Problem is, I didn't even know what html was when I made that decision. Some time has passed since then and I've been hitting the books hard.

My ASAP goals are to be able to:
1 make and maintain a directory site.
2 make "dummy" pages
3 SEO the "dummy" pages for the longtail KW's in that niche

I'm already a good salesman so the offline work isn't something I'm worried about. Besides, the actual product (1st page google rankings) is so fucking good that any idiot can make a sale provided you have/can get the ranking.

It's the online work that is a problem for me. Not the work itself, I have no problem working my balls off. The real problem is sifting through all the tutorials and junk to get to what I actually need to learn in order to be able to apply whats talked about in the thread.

So my question is this.

What are the essentials I need to learn in order to make this idea into a reality? Keep in mind I'm only just learning html.

Before anyone jumps down my throat with the old "you want something for free?" speech, take note that I'm not asking for a button to push that magically puts money into my wallet. Think of it like being asked for directions; I'm not asking for you to carry me to where I want to be, I'm just asking for a map.

here is the 200k/yr thread

I'd recommend not trying to learn stuff prior. Learn what you need as you go. Then you can search more specifically for the tutorials/guides you need. For anything design/website related... youtube is filled with excellent tutorials for basically anything.

Before you start, set yourself some goals and a rough plan/schedule of how you want to proceed. :)
I'd recommend not trying to learn stuff prior. Learn what you need as you go. Then you can search more specifically for the tutorials/guides you need. For anything design/website related... youtube is filled with excellent tutorials for basically anything.

Before you start, set yourself some goals and a rough plan/schedule of how you want to proceed. :)

I'd have to agree with that advice. There is so much trial and error involved in this and it is your best teacher. It truly is and you will remember what failed and what succeeded.

Don't get me wrong, you are on the best forum regarding all things SEO, so you have an advantage on me to be sure, because I didnt know this existed when I started.

The reason you shouldnt try to learn EVERYTHING or even most of what to do before just getting started is because you dont have enough experience to call out BS when it is told to you. So you might as well start and get the good and the bad advice WHILE you are working and moving forward in your project and your knowledge base. Then you will find that you have specific questions that you can more easily get help with.

I look back at my beginning and I didnt know JACK and fumbled my way through stuff, I cringe at some of the mistakes I made. But really unless I was going to pay huge bucks to be taught by a SEO guy one on one days on end, it had to happen that way. And now 5 years later I work for myself. The first year will be your most important year, and the most important things you can remember in the first year is DON'T GIVE UP, don't expect instant gratification and work hard at whatever the task of the day is. In this way YOU WILL LEARN YOUR CRAFT.
Thanks for the fast replies, It's late so sorry if I sound like I'm rambling a bit...

Here's where I'm at.

After poking around on youtube I've found some free css templates, got the trial version of dreamweaver and have been messing with things. There's only so many hours in a day and I wanted to at least make a sort of update on my progress.

My goals for tomorrow
1. Learn/make the rest of the site and figure out how to link those pages back to my main page that I've worked on today.
2. Learn/add search functions, this will likely take a long time as I have no clue about search bars, the pages they create or anything.

One question about dreamweaver.
Is there a free program that can be used instead of dreamweaver?

Thats it for now
Yes, it's different than the OPs model but if you read the thread through, you'll note that a lot of the people who actually went and ran with the idea made a directory site.

I should have clarified that earlier, my model is NOT the 200k/yr idea strictly speaking. My model is based off many of the ideas and methods discussed in the entire thread.
Answer this:
If you already had good cashflow, and you could pay someone to develope a site for you and just handle the sales, would you do it or would you still spend your time doing it yourself?

This is a serious question, as some people feel horrible if they dont know exactly how something is done, and must be involved in every detail.

If thats you, let me know and i will point you towards the long road of learning html, css, php, javascript and design.

If however your immediate though way 'hell, if i can get it done for a few bucks whilst i spend my time pulling in the clients, ill do that' then there is little point trying to learn web dev.

I presume you just dont have the start up capital, so need to get somthing done on the cheap.

In which case i suggest you get hosting, a domain and install wordpress. There are numerous free themes and plugins available, including speciality directory themes (for a few $).

Sure it wont be unique, but i guess you are targeting a local niche (if not, you should be) so the chances of anyone noticing or giving a fuck = 0, and if you have the experience and balls to get on the phone and make some sales, you will have enough money to hire a developer to do any changes/improvements.
I recommend you try a different business. Although 200k/yr is possible its going to be a hell a lot easier if you jump into something you already have experience with, ie shop fitting, plumbing, barnacle scraping. Your efforts to build a successful online business will be wasted if you can't write a decent sales letter or don't know how to manage cash flow properly.
@ l3msip,

I'd love to hire a developer and let him handle the sites and SEO, but right now, with my bankroll; it's not an option.

To answer your question, if I already had good cashflow I would both hire a professional and learn what I can about the technical side of it. I don't need to know how it works, but I'd like to.

I do have some capital to throw at this, but since I'm so new to this I need to do more research.

For instance, I'm fairly certain I can't afford to hire a web developer. However, I do believe I can afford links and other seo services given my budget. This makes your suggestion of using a paid wordpress directory stand out considering that, from my understanding, the overall css and required javascript(?) is taken out of the equation, resulting in less things I need to learn.

The next hurdle that I'd need to overcome is keyword research. I suppose google's KW tool will at least tell me how many searches are made on any given keyword but it would be much better if I could figure out how many of those searches were made locally, giving me a much more solid keyword to use and a more solid number to give to the potential client during the sales pitch. That said, is there a tool that can give me local results of all searches performed in a month/day/whatever? Even something that provides a region is better than getting global results.

Next hurdle is the SEO work I must do in which there are no services for(to my knowledge) like editing the html, adding my chosen KW(s) to the title. I'm sure there's more I'd have to do but I haven't learnt what that is yet. For this information, and more information about seo services, I found and will be reading the local business seo thread.

Theres also the issue of competition, I know how to view the source code for the websites I'll be competing with but I don't know how to see other factors that may help ranking, like inbound links and such.

I'm sure there's a way, I just haven't found it yet.

At any rate, I'm going to abandon using dreamweaver to learn and work with. Only because I only have a trial and if I can't afford to buy it at the end, that will be some serious time and effort lost in the process.
Mr coolerer,
You're right, anyone who can't manage cashflow effectively and efficiently will fail at most business ventures.

However, I believe I wont have that problem. I've had plenty of experience offline managing my own projects and the projects of others.

As for sales letters are concerned, again I have plenty of experience writing effective cold and follow-up letters.

Selling the product isn't what I'm concerned about. After all, I've worked in sales long enough to know that I can push this product a lot easier than most of the shit I've unloaded on people. The issue is making/acquiring the actual product with as little time, money, and energy spent given the budget I have. This is of course universal in any successful business venture regardless of what you sell.
I don't know why this response isn't showing, I wrote and submited it before my response to mr coolerer. If this ends up being a duplicate post, will the moderators please delete this one.

@ l3msip,

I'd love to hire a developer and let him handle the sites and SEO, but right now, with my bankroll; it's not an option.

To answer your question, if I already had good cashflow I would both hire a professional and learn what I can about the technical side of it. I don't need to know how it works, but I'd like to.

I do have some capital to throw at this, but since I'm so new to this I need to do more research.

For instance, I'm fairly certain I can't afford to hire a web developer. However, I do believe I can afford links and other seo services given my budget. This makes your suggestion of using a paid wordpress directory stand out considering that, from my understanding, the overall css and required javascript(?) is taken out of the equation, resulting in less things I need to learn.

The next hurdle that I'd need to overcome is keyword research. I suppose google's KW tool will at least tell me how many searches are made on any given keyword but it would be much better if I could figure out how many of those searches were made locally, giving me a much more solid keyword to use and a more solid number to give to the potential client during the sales pitch. That said, is there a tool that can give me local results of all searches performed in a month/day/whatever? Even something that provides a region is better than getting global results.

Next hurdle is the SEO work I must do in which there are no services for(to my knowledge) like editing the html, adding my chosen KW(s) to the title. I'm sure there's more I'd have to do but I haven't learnt what that is yet. For this information, and more information about seo services, I found and will be reading the local business seo thread.

Theres also the issue of competition, I know how to view the source code for the websites I'll be competing with but I don't know how to see other factors that may help ranking, like inbound links and such.

I'm sure there's a way, I just haven't found it yet.

At any rate, I'm going to abandon using dreamweaver to learn and work with. Only because I only have a trial and if I can't afford to buy it at the end, that will be some serious time and effort lost in the process.
To Mods,

I wrote a post before my 6:33pm post in this thread, a message appeared at the bottom of this thread saying my post must be approved by a moderator. Now there is no message and the post is still not showing up in the thread. Did it fail approval, or am I missing something here.
To Mods,

I wrote a post before my 6:33pm post in this thread, a message appeared at the bottom of this thread saying my post must be approved by a moderator. Now there is no message and the post is still not showing up in the thread. Did it fail approval, or am I missing something here.

Methinks you need to post more (better) titties.
I have a feeling that message is lost. Here is round two.


To answer your question, I'm not the type who needs to know every detail through and through. I'd love to just employ a web developer, but I can't afford it. On the other hand, I can afford seo services. Which make's your suggestion of using a paid wordpress directory stand out.

Here are some areas of concern

1. Keywords- Google's kw tool is nice, but is there a tool out there
that can pull up local searches or at least do better than providing global
results? I speculate that the addition of the town name in the key word
makes global results essentially localized, but when there are instances of
two or more cities sharing a name, the results would be skewed. This
would give me a much more solid number to present during the sales pitch.

2. Competition- I constantly see the phrase "just look at what the
competition is doing for your keyword". I know how to view the html but
what about their off page stuff like inbound links? I basically need to figure
out a way to size them up.

3. SEO- Sure I can buy SEO services, but first I need to find out what
services would work best given my competition. I found and will be reading
this thread.

There was a lot more in the original post but the above was the gist of it.
2. seoQuake firefox toolbar is a good start
Will answer the rest when i have the time, if no one else does.
What l3msip suggested for the actual cms (content management system : your site).

Search for cms, or directory scripts, there's lots out there of all kinds of varieties. If you want to actually write the site structure by hand including all the functionality it will need to be an full fledged ecommerce/directory site, that'll take you years, unless you're a proficient programmer. You'll go insane. (because your end goal is not to be a programmer)

It's better to spend a little on a program that is proven (and most good ones are very user friendly) learn how to use it and go from there.

For local search results. Once you have the niche and city name in your domain and on page seo, it will get picked up, but it depends on the competition on how much seo it will require to get ranked higher. When people are searching for local stuff, they almost always include the city name in their search, and google supplies local results before broad results, by default (if there are any). (in fact now they themselves consume the upper fold of the page with their own local listings)

bottom line, go with a premade script, and focus on your content and seo. Both of those are time consumming enough.

good luck.
I think I found a more suitable method. Same principal though. I got this from either mmd or bhw. Start a blog, buy blog comment packages or some other seo boosting service, then sell advertising space to local business specific to what my blog is about. e.g. If I have a blog about "city doctors" I'd sell advertising to doctors in that city.

I believe this would be easier and more profitable. What do you think?
I think I found a more suitable method. Same principal though. I got this from either mmd or bhw. Start a blog, buy blog comment packages or some other seo boosting service, then sell advertising space to local business specific to what my blog is about. e.g. If I have a blog about "city doctors" I'd sell advertising to doctors in that city.

I believe this would be easier and more profitable. What do you think?

Who cares what we think? Either do it or do not. The market will tell you if it's worth your time.
I intend to, first thing tomorrow. Doesn't mean I don't want your opinions, knowledge is power after all. I'm sure I'll hit a few(a fuckload) of snags but it's time to get this shit rolling.