WTF? Google Content Network Question...


New member
May 17, 2008
I've had a campaign running in a niche market for 6-8 months on adwords and everything was going great, then all of sudden I loose about 80% of impressions. I didn't get banned or anything... just lost most of my traffic. This is on content network... and my average position is still good and my CPC are still low.. they are just giving me WAY less impressions.

So, I do a search for some of my keywords and I see that another site is now receiving all the impressions I use to be getting. This dude ripped my adcopy and entire site. So my question is... why the fuck did I get penalized, when my sites been running for half a year and this douchebag just made his site a week ago.

Anyone know why this happened and have ideas to fix it?

You probably didn't get penalized, he is just paying more and bumping you out of the sweet spot for impressions.
I tried bidding way higher and it did nothing. It's like they put an impression cap on the campaign. My average position is like 2.5 which is what it's always been so I don't think it's cause he's bidding higher. And it has nothing to do with the LP cause I'm using the same one on search and it still has decent quality scores. I've checked all of the settings to make sure I didn't accidentally change daily budget, impression cap, ect and it's all good. FML
If most of the traffic came from only one website, it is possible that the owner filtered you in his adsense account(competitive ad filter). Check the referrers before and after the traffic dropped.
Have you bothered to look in the networks tab to see which site (if it's just one) is the culprit?
As the last few people have said, check your traffic sources. For my campaigns, 99% of the time, it's a source dropping off because they either replaced AdWords with something else, or if it's a parking page they may have switched to a different parking page provider.
I've checked all my stats for the sites and my impressions are way down for all sites across the board it seems. When I go to some of the major sites and do a search, I see that douchebag who copied my shit in my spots. I jacked my bids WAY up, but for some reason for the last 3 days I just get capped at 40-50k impressions, when I use to get like 400k a day.

My average position hasn't changed on any sites. Either has my CTR. That's whats so weird. Everything is exactly the same but it's like they put a cap on my impressions.