WTF Backlinks...

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New member
Mar 1, 2009
Has this ever happened to you before:

I was checking my google webmaster tools and analytics for referer's, links etc. and I found some interesting info.

I am getting backlinks for an entirely unrelated set of keywords. In this case something along the lines of "moccasin shoe fetish story"

I had a look and there are >15 sites out there linking to me with this as the anchor text.

WTF! I looked at some of the sites and they are all autospinner bullshit.

Someone has plugged in my url to some sort of anchortext link generator? Anyone heard of anything like this before?

not that i know much about this but that sure sounds like negative seo to me.

edit: what liquifire said.
Thats a possibility. But this is my personal blog. It's not selling anything. There were a whole bunch of other personal blogs linked from the same pages... It seems more like insanity than anything else.
it's real simple actually these people are running autoblogs and they use this software called linkwhore to build backlinks and stuff and also doing this to make them look non spammy to google because these autoblogs have about 5 posts per day and link to their own blogs , they must link to other blogs randomly inorder to avoid and suspicion from google / deindexing .... don't believe me try reading the blogs I'm sure the english there is horrible. and thos blogs updates at least once a day.
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