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me > u
Feb 3, 2009

First of all... I'm a n00bski to everything, only been in the game for about 2 1/2 weeks now. Have made a couple of conversions and been able to track them pretty successfully using t202. I've tweaked my LPs to get the best QS out of google (ftw im using only search right now ...) and I'm also split testing offers of similar products to see if one sells more then the other. I've broke down my kws into 'laser' targeted adgroups with strog ad text. (aprox 10-18 kws per adgroup ... 70% of them GREAT the rest ok). Every new campaign I start I have the bids pretty high at first then lower them as my CTR and QS go up... Heres my fucking problem though.

I'm getting pretty decent CTR .. one kw 155imp with 9 clicks ... 4 of them converted. CTR = 5.81% ... I know its not alot of volume but thats my problem I'm getting at ... I can't seem to generate impressions using faggot Google ... (note: the account im working with isn't new .. and has a pretty decent history. from my research i read that account history is a factor of why i may not be getting imp.) ..

what am I doing wrong here? Is it my LPs? ... my kws? ... how many different variations of competitive kws can I come up with to not spend 1.00pc on ? ...

thanks for any help in advance ... and a big fuck you in advance to anyone who is e-tuff and and asshole. :updown:


the kws that i come up with that i find will convert the best end up going up to about 2.00+ per bid ... and thats not helping my roi. should i be using more long tailed or short tailed words? .... is it also bad to use the same kw inside an adgroup just with a diff spelling or adding www infront etc etc. also thanks for the quick reply.
what's ur daily adspend limit - if you have it set to some kiddy low number, they put you to the bottom of the pile. raise it to at least a few hundred bucks. If ur converting positive, it won't matter what ur limit is.
Dude, don't waste your time with 2nd tier networks, their traffic sucks and the conversions suck. And the volume is low. Waste O time and money.

yeah ... plus like i said above im not trying to find an alternative to google ... i want to learn google. whatever it takes... my LPs are COVERED in relevant content ... my text ads kick ass ... but my kws are still only OK ... no more great ones. Im just not getting this AW bitch.
the kws that i come up with that i find will convert the best end up going up to about 2.00+ per bid ... and thats not helping my roi.

these are probably the good keywords, with volume and intent. You might be in a bad niche for beginners..
This is a good question and I doubt people will flame you, I would go longer with your keywords and try to build a larger list of kw's. Although you CTR might suffer. The end result will probably be you finding a lot more keywords and phrases that convert. I always say that CTR is the single most important thing in aff marketing, but great CTR means nothing if you're not making money. I would test more keywords and you'd be surprised on what you can convert. I know big G is tough but you need to not be so scared to screw up.
ive faced same same problem on adwords too. My kws' QS is above 7 and bids are 2x higher than the first page bid estimates. I think the reason is that my adwords account is a fresh new.
Kewywords mate. They aren't generating high volume. I choose keywords where there is volume than choose those long tails ones which are specific enought to give you good CTR but not many sales. Its like choosing between Quantity and Quality. I chose Quantity. Now its your turn.
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