WTB: A quick $1 job for an Indian

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Oct 9, 2009
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No, the title isn't meant to be racist or stereotypical or whatever... I need somebody from India (read: has an IP in India) to do a quick five-minute test for a potential project.

Payment by Paypal. Yes, I'm aware of their recent restrictions on Indian accounts and I know how to send the money so that it clears. Like the title states, it'll be $1 for the first time with a possibility of future work.

Why not change your title to WTH or WTE, that would stand for Want to Hire or Want to Employ, instead of WTB which stands for Want to Buy? Or you want to buy an Indian? :P
You would have gotten a better response if you had just posted if any of WF members based in India could test it for you as a favor.
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