Writing Review Copies

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Content Express
Jan 2, 2009
Rating - 100%
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Im looking give out some review copies for a new service.

Lets keep it to the first 3 request for now. If it goes well, more later.

I have 20 open tabs, so send a PM if you're interested.

Requests that is.

For anyone seeking further clarification, a small article that you would typically buy.

We'll shoot for 350 words each.

We are not word count nazis, however.
Okay, just received my review copy. It is well written and was delivered quickly. If he can maintain this level quality then I may considering purchasing articles from him.
one more taken

Hi Guys,

I took a review copy. I'll report back as soon as I get it.

I've been thinking about buying some content, and this might just be the push I needed to jump in.

I have several sites that could really use some new content.
We'll do a couple more of these since they have been pretty fun so far.

PM for a slot. Include the address you want your content mailed to.
leafyd delivered wonderfully.

He replies fast as hell, and gave me a really good article everything considered.

I asked him how much he would have charged me for the 428 word article he gave me, the reply was $3.50, which in my view, is a great deal considering quality.

It isn't a $50 article that can be used as a press release/link bait, but for $3.50, this guy has great prices, great quality and great service.

I will be using his services, this time paid, in the very near future. When I do, I'll be sure to report back here.
Agreed with greenleaves. He is underselling himself at those rates.

Just received my review article. Only had to tweak a couple small things (mainly due to personal taste) and then it was ready to post. 100% unique (checked against copyscape).

Thanks everyone. Shutting down the freebies for a bit. PM if you want paid stuff.

Leafyd pm'd me on his own accord so that he could be considered for some of my future work. For the review article I gave a topic that should not have to be researched to any great extent and asked for the article to be on the benefits of affiliate marketing.

I recieved an article of 555 words which was actualy quite good and free of spelling errors, By no means magazine quality but quite acceptable for bulk production of articles to be uploaded to sites for SEO reasons. Use of keywords and density of those words was quite appropiate for the article and not over used. The article was readable and interesting which will keep the reader at the page and then interested to find out more about the site it is posted at.

At this stage I think the quality of Leafyd's work coupled with his low prices is going to find him with plenty of work in a very short amount of time, I would suggest if you are looking for some articles written that you consider Leafyd and get in before he raises his prices, due to the influx of work he will soon receive.
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