Writing PPC ads.


New member
May 31, 2009
So I am just testing things out and have not really done this before, I just threw $50 into 7search and started playing around with CPA offers basically.

I read nothing about how to write copy, so I just made my ads into silly jokes.

I am getting what seem to be really high CTR's, 8%-14%, but no conversions.

So basically my question is whether or not it is a bad idea to make your ads funny? They are text only and most of the ones I see are lame...


About 10 years ago I ran about 20 ads for a food company that converted like nothing else and the ads were all tinged with humour (back in the day when Google wasn't a complete cunt). I used to keep copies of good ads, I'll see if I can find them so people can shake their heads and tut.

However, my Adwords account has been banned for pushing Acai Berries so what the fuck do I know.

Oh, and donate your money to charity rather than give it to 7search for their bots to collect.
And if you're going to tell jokes or be funny, relate it to the offer the same as you would any copy. Keep the funnel cohesive or people will just wonder what the fuck they clicked on.
And if you're going to tell jokes or be funny, relate it to the offer the same as you would any copy. Keep the funnel cohesive or people will just wonder what the fuck they clicked on.

Yeah they are related, they are just for a free fleshlight offer and I cannot resist :love-smiley-086::love-smiley-086:
Oh, and donate your money to charity rather than give it to 7search for their bots to collect.

I am starting to come to the conclusion that they are garbage...

I had heard it elsewhere but there are so many lazy fucking cry babies on the internet I decided I would experiment and come to my own conclusions.

I've tried keywords no one was bidding on, and then I put some more cash in and tried keywords lots of people were bidding on and paying $1+ for...

All traffic appears to be shit. I am direct linking but wtf?

Has anyone here had luck with them? I doubt it is my copy, it is targeted and getting good click through rates for the most part...

If anyone is feeling generous, where should I try next? What is a good place for someone relatively new to plug in a couple hundred and play around?
The ONLY thing I run on 7search is simple email/zip submits. Anything else converts like garbage.

Games do alright on there as well depending on the lead path. Run SOI only on 7search and you'll get some conversions. The rest is up to you.
And if you're going to tell jokes or be funny, relate it to the offer the same as you would any copy. Keep the funnel cohesive or people will just wonder what the fuck they clicked on.


Most people fail at PPC because they don't keep the funnel cohesive.

Hilarious Anal Bleaching ad -> Auto Insurance Lander -> Auto Insurance Offer = NO CONVERSION.

Hilarious Anal Bleaching ad -> Anal Bleaching Lander -> Anal Bleaching Offer = CONVERSION!

For the most part its not about picking keywords (well thats part of it) or how high of a CTR you can get on your ad, it's all about catching their attention and then taking them by the asshole and leading them step by step to buy something.
CTR doesn't mean much if you're paying CPC and receiving no conversions.

EPC, ROI, and profit represent a stronger gauge of a successful campaign.

I can also second that 7search is essentially garbage traffic.
I agree with the above post. To add to it, as well as CTR look at revenue per impression for each advert.
the only true way to find out the best ad is through split testing
I really never found how general public think
My english isnt first language of me so I cant write my own texts I copy paste from other advertiser with minor changes... It has worked so far