Writing copy...


Rape and Pillage Canada!
Dec 24, 2008
Las Vegas
I was wondering if any of you had some decent links or advice on the do's and dont's of writing site copy? I searched around on affbuzz, here, and some other places and couldn't really find anything. I'm getting my first PPC CPA site up and the last thing to do is write so I was hoping to find some tips or suggestions on writing ad copy.

Yeah, I've read that post many a times, but I was refering more to the actual sales pitch on thats on the site. Thank though.

Also, if anyone knows where I can find code to put fake comments (The HTML and CSS) on a site, I would be most appreciative.
Yeah, I've read that post many a times, but I was refering more to the actual sales pitch on thats on the site. Thank though.

Also, if anyone knows where I can find code to put fake comments (The HTML and CSS) on a site, I would be most appreciative.

Like testimonials? Try using maxmind for the city/state/country location of the viewer for ONE of the testimonials. So if you have 4 testimonials, make #3 or #4 the maxmind version... so it's just enough to catch their eye.... for added confidence...(worth a test)...

I'm far away fom being an expert writer of sales copy. But I'd say it depends on your audience. I see many are high pressure, and really looooooooooooooong... I guess to wear the viewer out into submission (?)

But for others it may be too much (overselling) and a turn off...

really depends on the crowd you're going after, how they like to hear it... maybe find a place where they all hang out, and study their communication (if you're not familiar with it), and / or interact to find out what they like and what they hate.

anyhoo... good luck
The only How-To I've seen on this is about the sales procedure. It was a pdf and not sure if I still have it.

It used bluilding blocks:
Get their attention
Explain the problem
Explain the solution
Qualify yourself as an expert

Something like that.

I suggest that you just search for some software or whatever and you'll find tons
of these sales letters. Read 100 and you'll get the idea.

I was just assembling information to share with a talented friend who I'm prodding into becoming a content writer. Might as well share with anyone interested in here.

Google results for a few keyword terms returned shit, realistically copyblogger.com has it on lock:

Copywriting 101: An Introduction to Copywriting | Copyblogger
Seal the Deal: 10 Tips for Writing the Ultimate Landing Page | Copyblogger
How Crappy Landing Pages Kill Email Campaigns | Copyblogger
7 More Sure-Fire Headline Templates That Work | Copyblogger
10 Sure-Fire Headline Formulas That Work | Copyblogger
9 Proven Headline Formulas That Sell Like Crazy | Copyblogger
Read good sales copy everyday.

Funny you should mention. Now that I've started dedicating all my free time to AM, I've noticed that my mindset has been altered. When I now see advertisements, I don't really look at the product but now look at the actual advertisement and the methods and techniques they used in it. TV, newspaper, magazines, etc...I thinks it's pretty cool.

Edit: Thanks kidchaos for those links, great site!
Check a blog named The Ad Contrarian. That guy really has good advice.

The Ad Contrarian
Another great site! Thanks for the responses guys. Since I can't work on my campaigns while I'm here at work I've been reading all of this stuff on my phone and making notes and it been really helpful. I can't wait to get home and implement all the things I've been reading today, I've learned a lot. Hopefully I'll get this campaign launched tonight, I'm pretty excited, its my first real attempt. Hopefully I see some good conversions. Thanks again!
I was just assembling information to share with a talented friend who I'm prodding into becoming a content writer. Might as well share with anyone interested in here.

Google results for a few keyword terms returned shit, realistically copyblogger.com has it on lock:

Copywriting 101: An Introduction to Copywriting | Copyblogger
Seal the Deal: 10 Tips for Writing the Ultimate Landing Page | Copyblogger
How Crappy Landing Pages Kill Email Campaigns | Copyblogger
7 More Sure-Fire Headline Templates That Work | Copyblogger
10 Sure-Fire Headline Formulas That Work | Copyblogger
9 Proven Headline Formulas That Sell Like Crazy | Copyblogger

This. Copyblogger kicks.