WP Site Intermittent Problem


May 26, 2007
OK, so I've got a Wordpress site which goes down for a total about 2 hours every month, about a minute each time. The host tells me to disable the plugins one by one to see where the problem lies. I am skeptical as the plugins are kept to a minimum - sitemap, akismet, some typography plugins.

How do I start troubleshooting?

Does a service like New Relic help?

How do I start troubleshooting?
Apache logs, plus a 3rd party monitoring service, like pingdom.

That would tell you if it's network related (issue in pingdom, but nothing in the logs), or host related (should be something in the apache logs).

Or, since hosting is so cheap these days, just find a reliable host and move now. Might be a better use of time in the long run, and changes both the host and the network. If the issue persists after the move, then you could look at plugins, etc.
agree ^ check your apache logs to see what event happened directly before the downtime happened.

you can mess around with plugins and all that jazz, but go to the source of the problem
If it happens nearly four times a day (from your figures) then it should be fairly quick and easy enough to identify and solve. Binary divide the problem starting with the server logs.
Or, since hosting is so cheap these days, just find a reliable host and move now.

Many would consider 2 hours of downtime per month reliable, it's still 99.7% uptime.
If the down time is around is regular at the same time, run website speed test and you'll get a feel on what part of it is slow. That's for optimisation, but I think your host is to blame. You can switch to a another host, some are as cheap as $20. Uptime is a must thought so you can get a graph to go back to your host with.