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New member
Jul 14, 2007
so I went to sleep at 1am, woke up at 5am. went back to sleep and woke up at 9am. went to my computer to see if my programmer was on (hes in a different timezone so i need to be on at diff times...) then i went back to sleep

I was like let me sleep for like 5 minutes

then I don't know wtf happened

My body started shaking and I thougth I was going to die... i woke up in another room with my family there and it was more vivid than this world. I thought I was dreaming but this felt so different from a dream. i could hear, see, smell, touch, taste everything in that existence more so than the one here! it was much more vivid and all i can say was it was another reality. man i can't explain it.

so then i drifted back to the real world but then.. something pulled me into another world! now i wanted to take advantage of it so i started doing things i wouldn't be able to in real life... whatever

basically this stuff was profound. I was not HERE. It was like salvia, except, in plausible worlds where I have 100% my own thougths and can do whatever I want. You know how a dream is blurry and dark? This wasn't. Look at your computer screen and tell me how clear it looks. Thats how clear that place was. i cant stress how much control i had. it was seriously like this world, except my world. wtf lol

Its just hard to explain. Just pretend theres a program that goes into a virtual reality. basically that happened to me. Like my own matrix.

Anyone know WTF this was and have had experience with it?


Seriously, I thought I died in my sleep and this was the next plane of existence. Then my body had to take a piss and I woke up -_-. But... I went to sleep at around 10 "for 5 minutes".. thought I was gonna for max... 15-30min.. but its 12 O C LOCK! 2-3 hrs passed!@

I've had something like that but it only lasted for a few seconds, and it only happened to me once. I thought maybe it was endorphins and norepinephrine on overload. Any drugs involved or anything man?

PS - Sounds like a bad X trip haha
lucid dream perhaps...

"A lucid dream is a dream in which the person is aware that he or she is dreaming while the dream is in progress, also known as a conscious dream. When the dreamer is lucid, he or she can actively participate in the dream environment without any of the inhibitions or limitations that otherwise would feel natural to persons who incorrectly believe they are in the "real" waking world. Lucid dreams can be extremely real and vivid depending on a person's level of self-awareness during the lucid dream."
Wow, were you dehydrated or stoned the night before? I used to wrestle in high school and guys would get super dehydrated and have stuff like that happen.
I did some experimenting with lucid dreaming a few years ago. Back then I was able to have them a few times/week. My trick was waking up in the morning, staying awake for maybe half hour or so.. Then lying down, on my back (important for some reason), and just try to keep the brain awake while relaxing the body. Nothing like being extremely aware & lucid in a dream and do some high speed flying Superman style =D
Maybe it was an astral projection. The part were you said "My body started shaking" was your whole body viberating and you heard about of crashing sounds?
It is a saying in India, and I am sure that you will not believe that when you die in your dream it is a sign of Good Luck. I said you won't believe ;)
I don't really believe in that astral projection philosophy, but I've had experiences where it sure felt like it. Like slowly floating up above your sleeping body.. And no, no drugs involved =D
Yup, sounds like a lucid dream all right. When it's uncontrolled, it's usually confused with sleep paralysis.

First few times it happens, it's scary as fuck.

Persistent uncontrolled lucid dreaming can sometimes be a symptom of developing sleep apnoea and/or narcolepsy.

If you have been doing a lot of ecstasy, or are on any SSRIs the sleep paralysis can be a result of that and is usually only temporary due to a depletion of serotonin in your brain. The supplement 5-HTP really REALLY helps with this.

PS: If you are interested, you can learn to "fly" while lucid dreaming ;)

Fuck.... havn't done a post like that since USENET.
yeah I'd like to add NO drugs involved. (only thing ive ever done was mj but that was days before and ive never done E or anything of the sort, never taken any prescrip. meds)

Now, I know what lucid dreaming is and I've had this before. And yes, when my body was shaking, I think their were sounds but I can't remeber, I do remember seeing 1000s of different lights, its a bit blurry.

anyways, I know this wasn't a lucid dream. I know what that is and I've had that before (few seconds and then wake up). This was completely different. I fell into this state within a few MINUTES of going to sleep. Furthermore, I could feel my "spirit" GOING to the other world. No other way to describe it but GOING. Maybe seperating from my body? going.

Lucid dreaming happens a few hours in for me. Moreover, as I said, the vividness of that world and this was nothing like being lucid. When I'm lucid, I say to myself "OH SHIT IM FUCKING LUCID"... 5 seconds later its over. In this one, I was able to sit the fuck down, with my hands touching concrete and feel all the little stone grains. Have thoughts about what the fuck is happening, get back up and walk around. See what I mean? It WAS lucidity in that i had a 1000% control, but not a DREAM. I was reading on astral projection and it could prolly be it. Gonna read nicky's links.

the funny thing about this kind of stuff is the experience are so subjective and I can never never ever explain my experience to anyone because their simply aren't any words for these kind of happenings. amanda now that I think about it there prolly were sounds.....

but wow. it was 100% like the concept of a matrix world.

on one of the experiences, I was in an elevator and pacing back and forth while some lady with her child in a stroller was looking at me weird. I remember thinking really clearly and thinking about what I was going to say and I told her "I'm just a little tired right now" and I saw her mouth turn into an understanding smile. That doesn't happen in dreams. The vividness of that was the same as reality.

in a dream my thoughts arent linear (i jump from one dream to the next and forget each one). this experience was the same as if i had done it in the real world and recalled it, same exact memory and vividness. lol i feel like i'm mentally insane talking about this but it just never happened before
Wow, were you dehydrated or stoned the night before? I used to wrestle in high school and guys would get super dehydrated and have stuff like that happen.

Yeah.. I use to wrestle as well. Losing 10 lbs in a day of water weight is no fun. I'm sure you can relate.

Really fucks with your head.
No, I wasn't talking about lucid dreaming. OOBE's like described in the link i gave you generally happen when you're just falling asleep. Ive had many times where I'm dozing off and one of 2 things happen. 1) I 'wake up' in a panic and can't move anything, totally paralyzed, and feel like my heart is stopped and I can't breathe, and then I actually DO wake up and realize that it wasn't real. 2) Same thing as #1 except I'm not paralized, but I feel like I'm being electrocuted, but it's not painful. Kinda like my whole body is vibrating really hard. Hard to describe the feeling really since it isn't actually real, but it always scares me awake and doesn't last (or doesn't seem to last) more than 30 seconds or so.

Apparently this type of shit is really common.
Yeah you didn't mention lucid dreaming but others did.

But yes sleep paralysis, that happens to me a lot... usually I wake up 10 times in succession, thinking I escaped the paralysis, but the final wake up I realize someone was fooling with me

it could be lucid dreaming but just on a much more vivid level =o
Yeah I can't say it was an OOBE since I was actually 'I' in the experience, while OOBEs are described as leaving your body and viewing other occurances (as if Like a camera)
I would have to agree with the cakes... it does sound like you had some sort of OBE experience...

as I understand it, OBE, remote viewing and astral projection are basically all the same phenomenon... a form of psychic hallucination... even tho you can see other places and people, you never actually leave your body... it's something that distracts one from meaningful spiritual practice by filling your head with illusions as some of the time the things you see aren't real and can be easily distorted... and for that reason it is usually discouraged by most serious meditators...

it's nothing to worry about... but it's probably best to not dwell on it and just let it pass... if it happens frequently, I'd recommend some meditation and yoga to help calm and control your psyche a bit...
I would have to agree with the cakes... it does sound like you had some sort of OBE experience...

as I understand it, OBE, remote viewing and astral projection are basically all the same phenomenon... a form of psychic hallucination... even tho you can see other places and people, you never actually leave your body... it's something that distracts one from meaningful spiritual practice by filling your head with illusions as some of the time the things you see aren't real and can be easily distorted... and for that reason it is usually discouraged by most serious meditators...

it's nothing to worry about... but it's probably best to not dwell on it and just let it pass... if it happens frequently, I'd recommend some meditation and yoga to help calm and control your psyche a bit...

yeah, this is a good point. don't get confused and think that this type of shit is necessarily good.
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