Wow - Someome Hates Google...


New member
Mar 7, 2008
Was just reading this article:

Can Google Get Its Mojo Back?

I know AOL bought TC and they have this thing against Google, but this is so public. Funny thing is, I believe Google's arrogance will/is causing their downfall...

That's what I was going to say ... it's pretty much right on as far as I can tell.

I'll go a step further and say Facebook is going to meet the same fate.
I'll go a step further and say Facebook is going to meet the same fate.

Interesting take on FB.

All signs for Facebook appear to be pointing up.

Mark Zuckerberg is Time's Man of the Year, the movie about him seems likely to be an Oscar winner, and now Goldman Sachs is raising $1.5 billion from its favorite investors on behalf of the social networking company.

At the very same moment, Facebook's only real competitor --NewsCorps' waning social networking site, MySpace -- is shedding employees and expenses, most likely in hopes of a fire sale.

But appearances can be deceiving. In fact, as I read the situation, we are witnessing the beginning of the end of Facebook. These aren't the symptoms of a company that is winning, but one that is cashing out.

You folks better get the contact info for your 15,000 friends. :)
the google article is retarded, oh no, there was a random fuckin glitch in google maps -- google's going under
tech nerds blogging about shitty search quality doesn't mean a damn thing for google. Remember all the facebook privacy issues everyone was buzzing about? Facebook has doubled their userbase since then. No one knew about it nor gave a fuck.

In the end of the day, Google's customers are advertisers, not consumers. Consumers are the product for them. They have to keep consumers just happy enough by providing just enough quality to keep them coming back. Google is leaps and bounds better than any other non-vertical search engine out there
tech nerds blogging about shitty search quality doesn't mean a damn thing for google. Remember all the facebook privacy issues everyone was buzzing about? Facebook has doubled their userbase since then. No one knew about it nor gave a fuck.

In the end of the day, Google's customers are advertisers, not consumers. Consumers are the product for them. They have to keep consumers just happy enough by providing just enough quality to keep them coming back. Google is leaps and bounds better than any other non-vertical search engine out there

Exactly. 90% of Google's revenue is generated from Adwords. As long as they can sell ads, they could give a shit about anything else.
Exactly. 90% of Google's revenue is generated from Adwords. As long as they can sell ads, they could give a shit about anything else.

but thats where facebook are growing...

people wil eventally search using facebook by default, and I would imagine like myspace, facebook will end up being the "home" for many types of businesses, therefor shrinking the adspace for adwords
Google is changing a lot from its original design and with its constant acquisition of new companies they are getting further and further diluted in an effort to capitalize on everything. A lot of their core products have and are suffering as a result. It will be interesting to see what happens down the road.
but thats where facebook are growing...

people wil eventally search using facebook by default, and I would imagine like myspace, facebook will end up being the "home" for many types of businesses, therefor shrinking the adspace for adwords

Google is changing a lot from its original design and with its constant acquisition of new companies they are getting further and further diluted in an effort to capitalize on everything. A lot of their core products have and are suffering as a result. It will be interesting to see what happens down the road.

you guys do realize Google's profits in their last reported earnings quarter went UP 32% right? Google profit rises 32% in quarter - Los Angeles Times

No, Facebook will not become the default search engine. Google has become a verb in our lexicon. No one says "bing it" or "aol it" or "facebook it" they say fucking "google it".

To think that Facebook has the capital and manpower to catch up to Google, when Google has over 20k employees and facebook has a few hundred is ridiculous.

Have you seen Facebook's SEO plan so far? They came up with new meta tags to describe the page that is getting indexed. Once you set those, you call a facebook url and they come index you. Hurr hello 1998.
but thats where facebook are growing...

people wil eventally search using facebook by default, and I would imagine like myspace, facebook will end up being the "home" for many types of businesses, therefor shrinking the adspace for adwords
Facebook will NEVER have as many users as Google, it's big but not THAT big.
I see he didn't mention Chrome...

Last 6 months global market share:
Dec: 14.85%
Nov: 13.35%
Oct: 12.39%
Sep: 11.54%
Aug: 10.76%
Jul: 9.88%

Chrome is on the rise, whilst IE is on the other side dropping each month.
I think this piece is pretty far off base. However, I would LOVE to see Google get knocked down a peg or two. Not a fan of how they handle their business in a variety of areas.
No, Facebook will not become the default search engine. Google has become a verb in our lexicon. No one says "bing it" or "aol it" or "facebook it" they say fucking "google it".

But they DO say "Facebook ME" ;) . If Facebook found a way to integrate search that actually didn't suck, they have the userbase to push it on.
yea also google chrome owns and internet explorer is shit. i do agree that google is a little crazily spread out, though something tells me they can handle it
And you do realize that looking at profit alone tells you pretty much nothing?

fine, take a look at the 2010 year over year growth rate: 2010 Financial Tables - Google Investor Relations

there's no point in arguing that Google is financial stalling, they're fucking killing it quarter after quarter because they have complete control over the profit spread between advertisers and publishers. Profits down? increase their cut. simple.
People say Google's SERPs have sufferend, I havn't noticed. And every now and then I do a search on Bing to see how they compare, they've never once beaten the big G. I love the new(ish) time filter, search by last month and shit. And discussions filter very handy for forums.

It's simple, in the fickle minds of the media faggots, Google is out this year, Facebook is in. FB is the hot new story. The samw way MSFT was before Google. And Microsoft still makes more profit than Google,Ebay and Apple combined.
It's simple, in the fickle minds of the media faggots, Google is out this year, Facebook is in. FB is the hot new story. The samw way MSFT was before Google. And Microsoft still makes more profit than Google,Ebay and Apple combined.

And Intel Makes more money then Microsoft, Google, eBay, and Apple combined since they own a patent that gives them special monies for each micro-chip diddly doo that goes into every computer device on the planet.

Yes I said Diddly Doo because I'm actually a secret super intelligent engineer and chemist that doesn't know what a wafer board it.