Would you give your Vette to Ron Paul?


New member
Jan 13, 2010
Mempho backwoods
This guy would.





This car was spotted by a friend today. The owner wasn't anywhere to be found, but it's alright by me if someone decided to dedicate their Vette to the Dr.

So THAT'S how you get out of phone duty once you've signed up as a volunteer! :thumbsup:

Not bad at all. I wonder how much that wrap costs?
that shits awesome. yes, i would absolutely do the same.. although mine would be much more provocative and attention grabbing than that.
The guy who did it calls a radio show called free talk live a lot, and calls himself gene the christian anarchist. It's kind of annoying really, if the hosts don't announce him as gene the christian anarchist he'll make sure to do it. One time I counted and he said christian anarchist 6 times in one phone call. But anyway I think he paid a couple thousand for that paint job, would have been more but the guy who did it likes ron paul too.
The same type of guy that buys an automatic, convertible, Corvette. That's who.
The guy who did it calls a radio show called free talk live a lot, and calls himself gene the christian anarchist. It's kind of annoying really, if the hosts don't announce him as gene the christian anarchist he'll make sure to do it. One time I counted and he said christian anarchist 6 times in one phone call. But anyway I think he paid a couple thousand for that paint job, would have been more but the guy who did it likes ron paul too.

Christian anarchist? Lol. Never heard of this guy or his car, but the car is registered locally one county south of me. Not sure why, but I'm a little surprised that someone this devoted to the RP campaign lives in North MS.
that shits awesome. yes, i would absolutely do the same.. although mine would be much more provocative and attention grabbing than that.

Could you imagine if Dwight did that to a car? It would be balls and wieners all the way.