Would you buy this Domain?

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Jul 30, 2006
Houston, TX
I have an opportunity to buy a well established site for 15k.

  • domain contents is mixed Persian and English.
  • about 30% of the visitors are from USA. the rest are from Europe, Australia and Middle East.
  • domain is 13 years old. registered in 1996.
  • has about 13k registered user who receive updates via email newsletter.
  • has about 2 million page views a month. used to be 5 million at one point before the owner stop updating it.
  • no adsense is being displayed at any of the pages.
  • has cafepress shop which generates about $100-$200 a month right now.


  • CMS is custom made written in ASP and outdated. needs a major data migration to a new more capable CMS.
  • needs a complete redesign no question about it.

I really can't give you the URL at this time since the deal is not finalized yet. but if I had to put in any category I would say "Entertainment".
what do you think? do you think it is worth it?
based on the traffic, and where the majority are coming from, is there a potential in adsense?

I would suggest you to buy it. Redesign and updating the CMS will not make problems. You could use 301 redirect for old URLs after you change the name of the files. You will not have problems from traffic point of view.
You're question really has very little to do with the domain and more with the site.

The age is something to consider but if you want to base your purchase on the value of the domain the primary factors to consider are:

1) Is it a generic keyword domain?
2) Does it get type-in traffic

Other variables of importance are current rank in SERPs and backlinks.
well, the website is very well established in Persian community.
most people know about it. it's just not being updated regularly and needs major improvements.
yes the domain does get a lot of type in traffic. since everybody pretty much knows the site and knows how to spell it. please advice.
offer them 5k for it. if they need to see it and are willing to take 15k it's because it does not make money, they don't know how to manage it and they are freaking out. I bet they settle for 10k or less easy and then put the other 5k into building it into a cash cow.
the problem is the guy doesn't claim that he makes money off of it. all it makes is about $200-$300 a month on average if not less. he wants 15k for all the works he put into it over last 13 years. i'll offer him 8k. what do you think?
yeah it's a hard choice that is not making much money - it's like a custom car or motorcycle they cost a 100k to build in time and parts - but the builder goes to sell and he cant even get 20k for it. There is a value to Sweat equity just not really a cash value. But then again a site is worth what someone is willing to buy it for.. I really think you can do better just building your own - but then again i don't know the domain and how good that is. I bought a site a few years ago for 25k i regret not just using the money to build my own the domain name was great - but just not worth the loot. If this does not work out 5k loss is easier to deal with and i bet they will take it.
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