Worth sending a DMCA to Dreamhost?

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New member
Nov 29, 2007
Some guy's website being hosted on Dreamhost is copying my content verbatim, pictures and everything.

I was going to send a DMCA, but wanted to check here and see if anyone has sent one to Dreamhost before? Just wondering if it is worth my time or if they are one of those hosts that don't give a shit about DMCAs and would just laugh in my face.

I received a few DMCA notices when I was using dreamhost and yes dreamhost does respond to them... they will take down the infringing content...
I received a few DMCA notices when I was using dreamhost and yes dreamhost does respond to them... they will take down the infringing content...

Yap, they take it down instantly... and then they tell the owner of that domain about this ... 24 hour later... :rasta:

Actually I think they are over reacting on this... btw: on second notice they take down the entire account (all domains) not only the domain that hosts the content in question. If you think about it is pretty easy to take down some user account this way especially if they use feeds from aff networks...

... but I think I wrote too much already :)
you could always set up a special feed to pour a bit of bleach into the koolaid. Chances are, they (the site owners) probably set it up on autopilot and don't pay much attention to what's getting scraped+posted.
you could always set up a special feed to pour a bit of bleach into the koolaid. Chances are, they (the site owners) probably set it up on autopilot and don't pay much attention to what's getting scraped+posted.

any links where I could read up on this? He copies everything verbatim including pictures, so I would love to maybe throw some goatse pics through the feed on to his blog.

I am pretty sure he uses wp-o-matic (can't remember if that is the actual name though)
You should find the IP of his server in your logs, then setup a little script that redirects the feed only for that IP to your new feed with Goatse etc. Probably a simple PHP job for someone who knows what they're doing (not me btw).
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