Worth $780,000?

haha you gullibe fools

no man in this world is that dumb/desperate.

that was probably some money embezzlement / fraud / laundry ... no way in hell someone gave that bitch 700k for her average twat.

prolly got few grand, headlines and a 3 day paid vacation.

I wonder what those degenerate cunts on View have to say...they always deliver when its time to shit on men...
If this isn't motivation to be a marketer I don't know what is. There's always an idiot out there that's more than ready to part with his $C$A$S$H$ for nothing. Go get it boy.

Note: dude got $3k for his. Not bad, I wonder if I can sell my black cock for bucks.
She's got a fucking bammer face too. Nice body but I've seen $100 hookers (seriously) that look better. What's the fucking big deal about virginity? Jesus Christ, the more I think about this the more it pisses me off that there are people out there who are so wasteful with money in a world where others are living on $1/day.


^ outsource to australia. pay 100x less.
She is smart, ask how ? she got the money and she still remains a virgin after having sex Cuz of the size of that Japanese dicky ! LOL

Wondering how one could confirm if a bitch is virgin? Are there any equipments we can test if a girl is virgin or not?
Media troll. This is not new, every now and then the exact same story pops again. Is this new? No. In fact, it's happening everyday and it's prostitution package. So why all the fuss?