Worst Internet Marketing Videos EVER

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New member
Sep 26, 2006
I just made a post on my blog about the Top 10 Worst Internet Marketing Videos Ever but I figured the WF members who don't read it would appreciate to see them :) These are so damn funny (to me at least), and I think you guys will get a kick out of 'em.

Top 10 Worst Internet Marketing Videos Ever:
YouTube - The Abduction
YouTube - One Way Link Building SEO Social Bookmarking
YouTube - Internet Marketing 10 Commandments!
YouTube - E-Business_Strategy_Internet_Marketing
YouTube - Defining Your Niche
YouTube - The Internet Is Never Sick
YouTube - Why Internet Marketing Expert David Dutton Loves SBI
YouTube - Internet Video - How to! Fun and Easy!
YouTube - Internet marketing strategy: FREE videos
YouTube - How to Make Money Online with Clickbank

If you guys want to read the article you can go to my blog.

Net Business Blog » Blog Archive » Top 10 Worst Internet Marketing Videos Ever


i just waited for the guy in the 5th video to shout out "LETS ALL HAVE A SEXYTIME ON THE INTERWEB!". lol. borat's brother from pakistan :D
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