Worldwide Banking Meltdown 2-3 Weeks


New member
Mar 5, 2008
London UK
Says advisor to the IMF:

[ame=]IMF advisor says we face a Worldwide Banking Meltdown 2-3 Weeks - YouTube[/ame]

so Europe possibly propagating to worldwide.

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Let's confirm this guys credentials before we get worked up... remember the guy in the last video like this turned out to be an almost total fraud.

He might advise the IMF on their plumbing for all we know...
Let's confirm this guys credentials before we get worked up... remember the guy in the last video like this turned out to be an almost total fraud.

He might advise the IMF on their plumbing for all we know...

actually currency isn't backed by any real commodity anymore, we;re essentially just going by confidence points. So if confidence drops and people get frightened that the dollar will collapse on a mass scale. IT WILL cause collapse..

WHo knows maybe these characters are deliberatiely trying to cause panic and then cash in on it.. though it would be a bit ofna long shot. How can one man take on the whole fucking system.

So in theory yes, a collapse can happen at any time..

SO these guys aren't wrong.

Also it's worth pointing out that if you make such a statement, there's no doubt that the people who want to maintain status quo will destroy your reputation to remove credibility from you.. for sure.
No way that anyone with a lot of money or an institution would manipulate the market or public opinion to make more money.

That's just not possible - how dare you suggest it.
This is really not a far fetched idea, the PIGS are on the verge of imploding
It is when these experts start talking about a meltdown that i am really happy. Then surely there is going to be a boom soon.
But if they say everything is bright and secure, then start saving for the dark days ahead ... It has happened during the last crisis, the previous one and the previous one ..
Why not look at some facts, the US buck has gone up in value quite sharply against our Canadian dollar in the last month. Just check out a site like to see how the US dollar is doing instead of listening to crack pots.
My buddy Ben threw $600 billion into the system last year causing inflation to soar.

No. Wait. It did SFA to the inflation rate.

So in a couple of weeks, in Europe they're gonna recapitalize the banks, throw a few hundred billion into the system and presto end of the Greek problem.


Anyhow, if the central bankers can print money willy-nilly WITHOUT causing inflation (which they have done so far), it's hard to see a wholesale collapse.

Now of course we may see more stupid bankers getting bailed out AGAIN which is sorta of annoying but rules and playing fair only applies to little people i.e. thee and me.
It is when these experts start talking about a meltdown that i am really happy. Then surely there is going to be a boom soon.
But if they say everything is bright and secure, then start saving for the dark days ahead ... It has happened during the last crisis, the previous one and the previous one ..

"When the masses are greedy I get scared, when the masses are scared, I get greedy."
My buddy Ben threw $600 billion into the system last year causing inflation to soar.

No. Wait. It did SFA to the inflation rate.

So in a couple of weeks, in Europe they're gonna recapitalize the banks, throw a few hundred billion into the system and presto end of the Greek problem.


Anyhow, if the central bankers can print money willy-nilly WITHOUT causing inflation (which they have done so far), it's hard to see a wholesale collapse.

To clarify, monetary inflation occurred with your buddy's moves. The new cash is already reflected in the monetary base.


Price inflation hasn't ramped up yet because much of the cash hasn't made it into the money supply (checking accounts, etc.).

The question is whether your buddy can soak it all up as he has promised to do. It is possible, but his options are limited.

Three Flawed Fed Exit Options - Robert P. Murphy - Mises Daily