World's Most Expensive House - $1 Billion Owned by Sumit's Cousin


New member
Jun 9, 2007
It looks like Gates, Buffet, and Jobs got nothing on this guy for bravado. His just finished 27 story highrise single family house cost over $1 billion dollars.


Just think how much it will cost when it actually looks finished. The design is supposed to be some sort of Indian Feng Shui.

India's Ambani shows off 'world's priciest home'

I like how the 5 story buildings next to it look like toys.

BTW here is the $27 billionaire:


mukesh ambani.

Yup i have seen that building from a distance of few mtrs. It is a rock solid foundation. First 4-7 floors are supposed to be his parking lot. Then he has a theatre (seating capacity for 200 i think) his own MacD, KFC, Dominos etc. It even has a helipad.
Man this guy is a genius and ROFL for those other buildings..
What a waste of money, that's the ugliest building I've ever seen in the ugliest surrounding/city/ambiance ever.

It's true, having money doesn't mean having class.
Let me guess, the house cost $200 million to make, $150 million for the land, and $650 to bribe to the fuck out of city officials to let him build such and ugly piece of shit.

The home will house Ambani, wife Nita, their three children and Ambani's mother.

Worth $29 billion and he still live with his mother
Let me guess, the house cost $200 million to make, $150 million for the land, and $650 to bribe to the fuck out of city officials to let him build such and ugly piece of shit.

Worth $29 billion and he still live with his mother

:) This is the eastern culture. People still stay with their parents, or rather take care of them in their old age.
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i live in mumbai these days and have seen this "Billion dollar" house. It looks shitty and its a definite impulse buy. His family consist of 6 people and he made a roller coaster for them it seems. such a waste of money. Insomniac prolly got it right, wonder how much he paid for the approvals to build that ugly house.

If people are wondering about $1 billion tag, its not the cost of buiding the house, but price of land. Unfortunately, some asshole property developers have jacked up prices to top NY real estate. A fucking sq ft costs over $5000 here in mumbai

if people dont know, He is a true hustler just like his dad :D
I'd be more impressed if he and Laksmi Mittal used some of their billions to improve the shitty sanitation and infrastructure in Mumbai and some of the other large Indian cities. Make an investment in your people you greedy fucks. India could really take off if they would clean the place up a bit.
It's rather lovely isn't it but it might have benefitted from a nice basket of flowers.
I'd be more impressed if he and Laksmi Mittal used some of their billions to improve the shitty sanitation and infrastructure in Mumbai and some of the other large Indian cities. Make an investment in your people you greedy fucks. India could really take off if they would clean the place up a bit.

Agreed, from videos I have seen the place is a shit hole. I Billion over there would go a long way to help the place out.
I agree that he should of bought a private island. I think they go for about 25 mil. fuck buying the most expensive house, he could have build a small private island country !!! 25 mill x "X" = 1 billion......thats uumm....hhhmmm..... Oh 40 PRIVATE ISLANDS !!!!
He may be done with buying private islands, who knows?

Also this may be the best piece of land he could acquire in Mumbai as its pretty congested.
if i have a billion i'd want a pod on the international space station or something - why the heck put al that money in one building? what a waste!