Working with googlemaps iframes


New member
Nov 8, 2011
Hey guys,
I'm in the final stages of having a site built for real estate property searches and havng trouble getting the Google Maps function to work properly. What I'm wanting is when a user uploads a property for sale and enter the property address, there is an iframe for google maps that locates the property. This is pretty standard on all real estate sites. My developers have told me that if a user wants the google map function to show their property location they need to source the long/lat bearings from, then manually copy and paste this data into the long/lat fields on my site. I've tested this and it works. However, it is extremely un-user friendly and un-professional, not to mention there is no other site I've ever come across that you have to go off site to find the long/lat then enter it into the field to find a google map location. So I'm guessing there is a far simpler way but my developers either don't know about it or don't know how to make this work.

So I was hoping someone here would have the technical capacity to explain a better way, or even a way to automate the current process, so once the address of the property is typed in and the user presses submit, my site sends a query to itouchmap then scrapes the long/lat data and enters it into my site automatically.

The current process is just far too archaic and not user friendly i the slightest, it just not acceptable to me.

Hope all this makes sense.



What you request makes sense, what doesn't is scrapping to get lat and long coordinates and after that get the property properly located.

I'm not a hardcore programmer, but I recon that that's a mess.

With some javascript and access to google maps api you can do it very easily (using what they call geocoding). And if your developers can't develop a solution that retrieves the coordinates and plots the map, sorry but they are morons cause if I did it everyone can.
thank you
Yh I'm aware my developers are morons but money has been invested so I kinda have to see this through to the end, its just a good thing I've got a little bit of internet savy in me, so I can hold their hands in getting shit done.

I'll raise the geocoding thingo with them.

Cheers fellas!
Thanks man, I'm sure once their job is 'done' there will be a bit of tweaking to do anyway to get everything to the level I want it so will keep you in mind mate.