Words of Inspiration


Wicked Fire Elite Member
Mar 8, 2010
Found a bit of inspiration for those of you who want to live your own life... not the one "Big Brother" all wants us to settle into.

It's a great piece from one of my favorite copywriters, Doberman Dan:

The People of Walmart

I made it this far:

"I went totally incognito… in my "civvies" (as we used to say on the P.D.) My whole "Doberman Dan" super hero outfit with "DD" on the cape… and copywriter super hero utility belt, containing yellow notepads, 3×5 cards, disposable blue pens and a dog-eared copy of Breakthrough Advertising… was all left at home in the closet."

Then I threw up in my mouth.
Cliff notes: you should spend some time hanging out with the people you want to sell to. Most 'normal' people are financially screwed.

I scan read. He's not as good a writer as he thinks himself to be. Weak headline, shitty intro.

Also - he makes the first mistake of copywriting. It's all about him, and his story isn't interesting enough to carry it.

Thanks for posting, it has reminded me I'm a good writer and should get on with the job I'm procrastinating over.

EDIT. If you want inspirational from an awesome writer, read this:

On Dying, Mothers, and Fighting for Your Ideas | Copyblogger
I liked this part:

"There once lived a boy in the town of Barberton, Ohio who at a very young age showed an unusual talent for music.
In fact, as early as age 7, he knew his life-long dream.
More than anything in the world he wanted to be a professional guitarist.
But he made a common mistake many people make as soon as they figure out their dream or goal…
He announced his dream to the people
he expected would support and help him!
BIG mistake.
Instead of recognizing a talent that should have been encouraged, trained and developed, the people he most expected to support him conspired against him and did whatever it took to destroy that young boy's dream and crush his spirit.
And since these evil dream stealers were those closest to him… his parents, grandparents, siblings, friends and teachers…
…And since he was yet too young to understand how to set and achieve goals…
…And too young to know that to actually make a dream come true you have to fight for it with every ounce of strength you have…
… And didn't understand that small-minded people too cowardly to develop and fight for their OWN dreams, instead choose to tear down others' dreams…
… This poor kid allowed their well-planned assault against him crush his young spirit."

The "dream stealers" he mentioned have been a huge part of my life, so the post rang true to me. I wasn't critiquing his copy when I read it.