Words of Inspiration: "You are the locomotive"


Wicked Fire Elite Member
Mar 8, 2010
I'm not a huge fan of salesy blogs: But I make an exception for Doberman Dan and his "Just do it" style of getting a message across.

One post I love to read when I'm not being proactive enough in my life is this one:

30 Minutes To Change Your Life


"Here's something I've learned:

That bright gleaming locomotive isn't ever coming. You can hope, pray, cry… go through all the motions, rituals, ceremonies, recitations, chanting, etc. required by your religion…

Or you can read a million positive thinking books and look in the mirror every morning saying your affirmations…
It doesn't matter… that locomotive is not coming to magically pull you to success.

No magical, spiritual or celestial force or being is going to float out of the sky to pull you to the realization of your dreams. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you can do what you really need to do to realize your dreams.
YOU are the locomotive, my dear friend. The help you are waiting for is YOU. Only you can do the work needed to get the locomotive moving forward.

What does all this have to do with marketing? EVERYTHING!

You can read all the marketing books in the world and attend every seminar that comes down the pike… while sitting around talking about what you're going to do and projects you're going to start… but not until you actually DO something will you ever make any progress.

A wise man once told me…
Motion beats meditation.

I have a very important question to ask you:
Can you really stomach the thought of a life filled with gut-wrenching regrets? All because you kept putting off that dream until "tomorrow"?

When are you going to get started on those dreams you've been talking about? Days have turned into weeks, months and now years. And you know what? You really don't have a whole lot of time left.

Tomorrow is today, my friend. For God's sakes… set aside 30 minutes today to get started toward your dream. Just 30 short minutes! Do SOMETHING in those 30 minutes that will move you a little bit closer to that dream."

^^He's a helluva salesman and this post is one of the few where he doesn't try to sell you a product. A true gem in my book.

I frequent his blog.

I have no idea how I missed that post. It's by far my favorite, and I'm a big fan of his stuff.

Thanks for posting.
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I was having a conversation with a good friend of mine that somewhat related to this stuff.

A lot of sources and people are noting that "the secret" type of "self-help"...meditation, positive thinking etc etc etc...is starting to have a big impact on the economy as a whole. A lot more people are just sitting back and waiting for good things to come and good things to happen to them....rather than just going out and MAKING good things happen.

In fact, I know a real estate investor that pretty much got lucky and was filthy, filthy rich. He has recently lost it all due to a bad investment....but when I talk to him about he just brushes it off and explains how he is meditating, doing yoga, and being more spiritual in order to allow positives to enter his life.


I think this topic also really relates to the sense of "entitlement" that A LOT of people seem to have these days."I graduated university, I deserve a 50k/year job." and so on and so on.

YOU are responsible for making things happen, YOU are responsible for the well being of yourself and your family, and YOU are responsible for going out and getting things done. The more people that realize that, the better.

IMO...for what thats worth.
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I frequent his blog.

I have no idea how I missed that post. It's by far my favorite, and I'm a big fan of his stuff.

Thanks for posting.

Lol, I found my way to his blog through yours...

...so thank you. :D

*That post forced me to cut my TV watching down to almost nil about 6 months back. Referencing it as "the vacuum" was an eye opener for me. Sometimes you just need to hear something you already know...in just the right way for it to sink in, or finally ring true.
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I was having a conversation with a good friend of mine that somewhat related to this stuff.

A lot of sources and people are noting that "the secret" type of "self-help"...meditation, positive thinking etc etc etc...is starting to have a big impact on the economy as a whole. A lot more people are just sitting back and waiting for good things to come and good things to happen to them....rather than just going out and MAKING good things happen.

In fact, I know a real estate investor that pretty much got lucky and was filthy, filthy rich. He has recently lost it all due to a bad investment....but when I talk to him about he just brushes it off and explains how he is meditating, doing yoga, and being more spiritual in order to allow positives to enter his life.


I think this topic also really relates to the sense of "entitlement" that A LOT of people seem to have these days."I graduated university, I deserve a 50k/year job." and so on and so on.

YOU are responsible for making things happen, YOU are responsible for the well being of yourself and your family, and YOU are responsible for going out and getting things done. The more people that realize that, the better.

IMO...for what thats worth.

I agree 100% :D I grew up in the 80's and 90's and firmly believe it was all those damn movies and TV shows that made me feel like everything would just come to me. Glad I've grown out of that phase finally.
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