Wordpress update with cpanel?


New member
May 28, 2009
I recently signed up for Liquidweb. Nothing but total satisfaction so far - their support has been great and I'm pretty happy.

I do have one issue though that I can't get around yet - I'm sure it's something simple that I just missed. This is the first time I've used cpanel which might be part of the problem.

In short - when I put in the hostname, UID, and password to upgrade plugins, etc, in Wordpress I can NOT get it to work. It keeps coming back saying the UID/PWD is incorrect.

I can use the same uid/password to login with WinSCP (in ftp mode) and I've checked everything I can think of. It has all of the symptoms of being either a permissions or a configuration problem.

Anyone run into this with before?

Yeah you have to call their tech support and they'll manually change your mod_security settings.
Resolved - this ended up just being something funky with FTP not updating with the new ID's. Bouncing the FTP processes fixed it.