Wordpress tool


New member
Jul 6, 2008
Can anyone recommend a tool that can take spintax and post the spun articles to multiple wordpress blogs as new posts? A different spin version for each blog. I considered creating something with VB but if there is a tool I can buy I will do that.


I already thought about writing such tool. How many of you guys will use this kind of tool?
Does it have to be a desktop tool, or could it be a PHP script? I have something that does this in PHP - part of MassIndexer actually. But it can use spintax or (if posting to a WP site with Blogsense) just use the Blogsense API to "auto-spin".
I am looking for something similar. I want to take non spun content, original content, and post them out to various sites. Unique article for each site. I cannot find anything that will automate this process. ManageWP allows you to post but to one site at a time.
See here: http://www.wickedfire.com/sell-buy-...in-create-your-own-blog-network-xmarkpro.html

Coupon code still valid, but will probably be killed around the 12th. If wanted, you can view the demo at http://demo.xmarkpro.com/, and via the Wordpress->Add New Post menu can see the publish functionality. Full support for SpinTax, including built-in algorithm to help ensure a unique copy is published to each site.

There's also full integration with The Best Spinner, and Article Builder. And of course, through the Wordpress->Drip Feeds menu you can manage your drip feeds, if you want to automatically schedule the posting of content to multiple sites. Free 15 day trials available, if you wanted to give it a spin.

Any questions, drop me a PM!
xMarkPro seems like a good management tool. I am not sure if I did a good job explaining what I am looking for but looking through xMarkPro, here's something I would like to see. If it already does it, please let me know.

I would like the ability to upload a file of let's say 10 blog posts. Withing the file that contains the blog, I could somehow note which specific blog site I want the post to post to. So I upload the file and the system automatically knows which wordpress site to post the article to.
I would like the ability to upload a file of let's say 10 blog posts. Withing the file that contains the blog, I could somehow note which specific blog site I want the post to post to. So I upload the file and the system automatically knows which wordpress site to post the article to.

Hmm... you're the second customer to request that. One more request, and I'll seriously consider adding it in. (I need at least 3 requests before adding a new feature, to stop the software from becoming too bloated).

But no, doesn't currently support that exactly. What you can do is create a drip feed on certain blog(s), import a XML file of posts into the drip feed, and set it up that way. Otherwise, you can import your posts via XML, but would have to manually go in and publish them to each desired blog.
I think I have a xmlrpc wordpress poster lying around somewhere and spinning of course too...

Would be PHP though. PM me if interested and I will search for it in my old and dusty code vaults.

edit: who necro'd this thread...?