Wordpress - suggestions please

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Waste of e-space
Aug 1, 2006
I'm going to set up a site with wordpress in mind.

All I'm asking for is what are some of the must have plugins for Wordpress &/or what isn't needed.

It's going to be a site where I'm pushing it strictly through SEO with affiliate ads.

Also, is there a stripped down version out there more geared towards a site look instead of a blog?

Since there are a shitload of plugins for Wordpress the "must haves" are different from blogger to blogger. However if you are pushing organic search as your primary source of traffic then the optimal title plugin is a must, because I'm a nub and still haven't found a way around Wordpress' annoying title setup, plus its easier to activate a plugin than messing around with code, you'll still have to edit the <title></title> in the header but thats simple.

I also suggest getting a contact plugin, just because it makes it easy for your visitors to contact you right from your site, if you don't give a rats ass about what your visitors think then you can omit this plugin.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by a stripped down version, but if your trying to achieve a look of a website rather than a blog, you'll either have to built your template from scratch or edit the wordpress theme to your liking. What differentiates a blog from a regular website is still a little hazy to me, so I found something called a static home page plugin (found it on Google) basically what it does is instead of listing your latest post on the front page it replaces it with a static page. Thats the closest thing I can think of unless your talking about the overall design.

Hope that helps.
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I will have to search around here when I get the chance but I swear I remember talk about a stripped down version of WP.
My top plugins are all on the list. Thought I'd give them a second.

~Dagon Design Sitemap Generator - Very good for creating an actual stiemap. Not the google sitemap structure, but a page based sitemap.

~Google Sitemap Generator - For creating a google compliant sitepmap.

~Adhesive - Creates a sticky post. Why wordpress doesn't include this in the reg installation, beats me.

MAKE SURE YOU GET A PAGE THAT SUPPORTS WIDGETS. You can download the widget plugin here.

As for stripping down a wp blog, I did it with my RolloverSucka page. You have to take out some php on the "single post" php script and the "main index template" php script. I removed the "posted by" and the comments.

Let me know if you have any questions. I just did this about a month ago.
Thanks Darkpedro. I didn't have the adhesive or widget plugin and will check them out.

I got everything installed and set up last night and started going through the code. I don't mind modifing WP myself and find it fun. I just thought if someone had already a barebones or whatever you want to call it I would have saved some time. But I'm glad I'm going through it all because I can change it to my needs completely.
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