Wordpress Previous Entries problems

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New member
Nov 29, 2007
Ok, just ran into a problem that I never knew I was experiencing.

On one of my wordpress sites, if I navigate to a category page and scroll down to the link that says "previous entries" it goes to a broken link. I know for a fact I have about 50 posts in this category (which is only displaying like 10), so I click "previous entries" and I get nothing. My layout shows, but where the posts should be it is blank and the title bar just says Nothing Found, even though there should be posts there.

Anyone know how to fix this broken navigation?

EDIT: fuck, and I just found it on one of my other sites. I think it is a permalink problem, but don't know. I have my permalinks setup with /%category%/%postname%/

ok, I sort of fixed my own problem, but now I have a different one

I am using /%category%/%postname%/ as previously stated, but now my links are displaying as domain.com/category/actual category/post, instead of domain.com/actual category/post

what I did to fix that was put a "." in the category base field (don't know where I read that or learned it), but I fixed my problem, however that's what was screwing up my "previous entries" link and leading to a not found page.

yes I have my panties in a bunch and, yes, I am rambling, but anyone got some insight for me on how to fix my categories?
No, it's not fixed, but I'm a little more calm now. The reason why I flipped out was because I never knew this problem existed. Someone told me a long time ago to fix the category structure by putting "./" as the category base. Well, I did that without ever checking it once. Little did I know that it breaks all your archives and category pages so trying to go to page 2 gives a "not found" error. I have probably had this problem without me knowing for like 6 months.

Anyways, after looking around last night it seems the only way to fix this is to change link structure and get some kind of 301 redirect plugin going. The plugin that you suggested above doesn't work with /%category%/%postname%/ permalink structure.
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