Wordpress Post Question


New member
Feb 22, 2007
There probably is a very easy way to do this, but I wanted to ask here because I know someone will know the best solution.

I have a Wordpress blog that I have about 20 posts on. I was updating the site on a consistent basis for about 2 1/2 months (about a year ago), but its just been sitting around since.

It ranks well for some of my top keywords, and I want to start posting on it again. My issue is, I want to take the old posts and put them in an archive type area. I dont want them showing up on the homepage anymore, and want them all in a certain section of the site (something to the effects of a Round One section).

Essentially what I want to do is move www.mysite.com/post-one to something like www.mysite.com/roundone/post-one

Whats the best/easiest way to do this? I know I will also want to set up redirects for all these posts as well.

Thanks for your advice!

If they are on the home page then it is the theme you are using that controls that. So you need to someone how modify the theme to only show posts in certain categories on the home page. If you are the least bit technical look at the wordpress docs in the area called "the loop" and I am sure there is a way to skip something in the loop based on some criteria. Then you just need to go into your WP admin, create a category called 'roundone' and start putting things in it.
My thought is to select all the posts you want archived as round one, create a category for them and then go to the permalink settings and change the 'Common Options' to /%category%/%postname%/ for that category. Though I'm not 100% sure if WP lets you use custom URL permalinks for categories, but it might. If not I think there's a way to trick into doing so with htaccess
You need to think about whether you really want to change your urls and possibly mess around with your rankings. Unless it's absolutely essential that you archive those posts, I would just leave them and start posting again and let the new posts push the old ones out of the way.
There probably is a very easy way to do this, but I wanted to ask here because I know someone will know the best solution.

I have a Wordpress blog that I have about 20 posts on. I was updating the site on a consistent basis for about 2 1/2 months (about a year ago), but its just been sitting around since.

It ranks well for some of my top keywords, and I want to start posting on it again. My issue is, I want to take the old posts and put them in an archive type area. I dont want them showing up on the homepage anymore, and want them all in a certain section of the site (something to the effects of a Round One section).

Essentially what I want to do is move www.mysite.com/post-one to something like www.mysite.com/roundone/post-one

Whats the best/easiest way to do this? I know I will also want to set up redirects for all these posts as well.

Thanks for your advice!

You could try this, create a category named "Round One" and take note of the category ID when hovering over the category link in the categories area.

Accessed via the Posts nav menu on your left hand side.

If you know the ID number of the Round One category:


Lets take for example the ID value 32.

Open up your index.php and locate this line in the code:

<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
And post this line directly after it:

<?php if (in_category('32')) continue; ?>
That should take care of posts that are assigned to this new category from showing up on the home page.

All that it left for you to do is to apply the 301 redirects for the old URL's.