wordpress post problem


New member
Nov 11, 2009
hey everybody, I need some wordpress help because I'm a retard.

I've always done my sites in the structure main post on front that stays there then a bunch of pages.

I read somewhere this could be wrong and my sites are messed up anyways so I just tested a couple switching everything over to posts.

I got everything set up and looking good and within 5 minutes on a sandboxed domain it had entered into google on page 6

only problem is, its showing up in google as http://domain.com/hello-world

I have the permalinks setup as the /%postname%/

anyone know how I can get these front pages not to show /hello-world in google? doesn't say that when I just go to the main urls.

any help would be greatly appreciated.

thank you for your time.

oh yeah, forgot. I just want the main url that I'm aiming for in google for some terms to have the domain with no post name.
Does that url exist or is it just a holdover from the original post that you deleted?

If you changed the hello world post instead of deleting it what you probably need to do go to post>edit> edit permalink (which you will find just under the post title at the top.

If you deleted the hello world post and the url does not exist any longer google should figure it out soon enough but if you want to speed up the process you can submit a site map via webmaster tools or do a 301 from the missing url to your main page or whatever post you want it to point to.
To continue what ARVolund has said a little bit - if you have just edited the Hello World default first post then hello-world will be the permalink.

Under the title box there should be an edit permalink link which should et you change it to anything you want. If you want it to just be the same as your title (with hyphens instead of spaces) then you can just delete the permalink and hit enter - Wordpress will then make it reflect the title automatically.