Wordpress page that lists eBay auctions

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Chronic Crypto
Mar 17, 2008
I am looking for a WP plugin that allows me to pull relevant eBay auctions onto a single page of the WP site.

I'm not looking for phpbay or mcjiffy, just something that lists 20 or so auctions onto one page (no "go to next page" etc)

I found a site that does exactly what I want:

Anyone wanna link to a known plugin to do this?




This is incredibly easy to homebrew. All you need is:

1) an EPN or PepperJam account
2) a FeedBurner account
3) The WP plugin FeedWordPress

Go to EPN, create a campaign and save the number. Then go to eBay, click on "advanced search" and create a search that matches the parameters you want -- you can even limit it to 20 items there if I'm not mistaken (if not, change it in the WP panel under "Reading" but I'm pretty sure you can cap the number of listings shown via the eBay advanced search.)

Near the bottom of the eBay advanced search form, there is an option to show affiliate data -- choose it, enter EPN or PepperJam and the rest of the info as appropriate (campaign number for EPN ... not sure how PJ works.)

Once your search results are up, go to the bottom of the page, right-click the RSS logo and copy the link. Paste the link into FeedBurner to get a nice short one, enter that into your WP syndication list and configure. Voila.

If you already have the blog and a FeedBurner account this whole process might take five minutes. The only times it drags out is if you want to go back and tweak the search results to get it more nearly what you want.

Alright, appreciate all the answers.

It turns out the site I was trying to copy was indeed using phpbay lite.

I was looking for something easy to throw up on the wp site because I was gonna be pumping them out and didn't want to spend too much time on each individual site.

Thanks again. Enjoy the tits.



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