Wordpress MU - anyone have experience?

Mike Panic

New member
Jul 22, 2009
I'm very comfy with WP, have been using it since v1.7 or so, upgrades, moving from one server to another, plugins, modifying code, etc. I have a client who's needs may fit that of WP MU though. Their goal is to do something similar to HYPEBEAST. Online Magazine for Fashion and Culture - where many people have blogs, all contained within one. I can't seem to find any real documentation on installation though, as it is clearly setup differently than a standard WP install. Additionally, Google hasn't helped me much in the search for themes specifically for MU, should I assume that I'll have to get one designed just for it?

Thats the beauty of Virtual Multiblog. You can use any theme or plugin at all. WPMU you never know untill you test it if it will hose your install.

Chatmasta that thing is the shit. Thanks for that lead a while ago. I got it running in a few hours with my meager programming skillz. I am doing it multi domain with seperate databases mostly cause I already started all the dbs.
Thats the beauty of Virtual Multiblog. You can use any theme or plugin at all. WPMU you never know untill you test it if it will hose your install.

Chatmasta that thing is the shit. Thanks for that lead a while ago. I got it running in a few hours with my meager programming skillz. I am doing it multi domain with seperate databases mostly cause I already started all the dbs.

Cool to hear it helped. :)

Yeah MultiBlog is awesome because you don't need any special templates or plugins like you do with MU. It runs off a standard WP install so you just use the normal ones. But I think MultiBlog is more intended for one admin running multiple blogs, although it might be worth it just to create another layer that handles user accounts and such - that way you can get the benefits of both ways.
I don't know that Virtual MultiBlog will fit my needs though, did you actually look at the hypebeast site? There are 36 individual blogs that live inside the main blog. That's what I need, I'm not looking to deploy splogs with unique looking templates across the board.

Also - I know how to Google, but found the actual codex for WPMU was really lacking, and if you notice on the first page of results for "WPMU Themes" half the titles are "where can I find WPMU themes?" from forum posts.
you should be able to use any wp theme. i'd recommend checking out buddypress plugin for wpmu. there are specific buddy press themes that allow you to use different themes for members pages (other blogs), and then for your main page. spend some time searching around. it also helps if you have good support with your host. i had to contact them to get it running properly.