wordpress MU 2.7

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Does anyone know if the new version is stable and useable?
The new version is stable and usable, but be prepared for several plugins to become inoperable. Ajax, for one, was a nightmare, and I had to shut it off completely. The 2.7 version has some very nice dashboard enhancements, and it has a cleaner looking design.

I would hold off on installing it until you're sure your favorite add-ons are compatible with 2.7.
The new version is stable and usable, but be prepared for several plugins to become inoperable. Ajax, for one, was a nightmare, and I had to shut it off completely. The 2.7 version has some very nice dashboard enhancements, and it has a cleaner looking design.

I would hold off on installing it until you're sure your favorite add-ons are compatible with 2.7.

They're talking bout Wordpress MU, not Wordpress. MU is the multi-user version,and I was going to try it out, but it appears you need to have a normal wordpress install first as it complains about no existing tables if you try to install it from scratch.
They're talking bout Wordpress MU, not Wordpress. MU is the multi-user version,and I was going to try it out, but it appears you need to have a normal wordpress install first as it complains about no existing tables if you try to install it from scratch.

that doesn't make sense, karl.
@Karl install it on a clean domain no previous install of wp involved. The same link I posted above will get you a pretty good freebook on how to install it. Install the database first, upload files, yada, yada.
from cpanel -> MySQL databases -> create new database -> username_blogs -> password and eMail, then ftp wpmu files and set permissions, go back to website and fill in the database and password. Yada some more. Fuck it, just download Andrea's eBook .
You are a better coder than I am, you can do this in your sleep.
you're doing something wrong, karl. you upload all your files and then go to the domain to install - use the web interface. i just did the whole install in five minutes.
you're doing something wrong, karl. you upload all your files and then go to the domain to install - use the web interface. i just did the whole install in five minutes.

I did exactly that, just like if I were to install the non-mu version but it bitched bout tables not being there, as I was expecting it to create the tables just like the non-mu version once you got the config file setup with the right privileges.
I uploaded the content of the zip I downloaded from mu.wordpress.org
i'm betting that you're adding a step. do NOT create a config file. MU does that automatically. if you have wp-config.php in there... delete it.
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