[Wordpress] Image Upload with UI as Custom Field


New member
Feb 22, 2008
So I'm trying to make editing/updating the content of this website as easy as possible for the client to do, and having them manually enter the URL of images into the custom field isn't very user friendly. I'd like it to be your usual click and browse, followed by the upload, kind of thing. A plugin that I was going to use gave me this ability, Verve Meta Boxes, but for some reason that plugin stopped working this week and wont work even on new installations of Wordpress...

Anyway, I'd rather code it in by hand but I can't find any documentation on how to go about doing such a thing. I can add custom fields myself, but I want to make it more user friendly.

I don't know a plugin for that but had the same problem recently and got it around it another way.

As long as you only need one image this way per page/post you can get them to use the image uploader and then click 'Use as featured image'.
You can then use this in the design with the_post_thumbnail(); e.t.c.
Pretty easy for the client and you can define as many image sizes as you want in functions.php with crop e.t.c.
Is there a reason that you can't use the normal WordPress functionality for uploading images with a post?

From what he said about the custom fields bit I guessed he was using the images in the template and so would be pulling the custom field term to use as image src.
But you're right, you could pull them from the post in the way I said or with the_attachment(); or whatever the hook is.
One way I found that helps is to use the media tags plugin, which allows you to tag images and then retrieve them by tag in the template. So for example you could add an image and give it the "Masthead" tag and then have the template pull it for the current post and place it in the header, similarly you could have "Primary Photo" and "Secondary Photo" tag and place them as appropriate, etc.
The problem with sin the normal Wordpress functionality is that I need to have 4 images for each post, which are used in the layout.

BUT I am an idiot and realized that the reason Verve Meta Boxes image upload stopped working was because the image that i kept trying to upload was being rejected by Wordpress. I forgot to add the ".jpg" at the end of the image file name when I saved it and apparently Wordpress rejects this as a safety precaution.

I guess I'll just stick with the Verve Boxes. It will be more customizable for the client (aka they will inevitably destroy the whole site) this way, but it works.