WordPress hosting set up help


New member
Jan 3, 2007
i've had two recommendations from people to use Word Press for my first attempt at niche SEO websites with the intent on earning adsense income. i'm a tech newbie though and i fdon't ully get what wordpress does. yes, it'll help me build a page or a blog, i get that. but not sure on the set up process with hosting and domains and their website has like sooooo much info that it's not clear for the new user.

i created my account, have my domain, but then i read that i need their additional domain mapping service to point the domain to my wordpress site, updating the domain name servers to their info. OK.... but if that's the case, wouldn't they be hosting the website instead of webhost? They aren't hosting the page, their website actually directs me to get hosting services elsewhere. ...but then shouldn't i set the name servers to that webhost?

i don't get it.

and I just read they don't allow advertising. WTF!?!?!

this chick is definitely missing something.
Wordpress.com is hosted on their servers, limited.

wordpress.org is hosted on your servers, do pretty much whatever you want with it.

Get a webhost with cpanel and fantastico, 3 click and fill out a few fields install.
i'm still not sure. i got wordpress and the .org and .com kind of co-mingle information, and all over it says you can't use advertising like adsense.
i'm still not sure. i got wordpress and the .org and .com kind of co-mingle information, and all over it says you can't use advertising like adsense.
Download from wordpress.org, go to our hosting forum and look for a host, Install wordpress, and then put up adsense or whatever you like, no one would give a flying rat's ass.