wordpress doesn't show permalink?

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New member
May 14, 2007
Yes, I'm a newbie. I have setup my wordpress blog, modified the htaccess file and setup my permalink as the following

However, when I go the page that shows the link for my first blog post, it shows up as
www.mydomain.com/mycategory/3.html It works fine but is wrong.

The 3 should be the name of of my blog post, correct?

It should look like

What did I do wrong?


Could be your .htaccess file. When you updated your permalinks, did you make sure that your .htaccess file's permissions were changed to make sure that it could be updated?

When you change your permalinks in Wordpress it needs to update you .htaccess file. If Wordpress does not have the permissions to do it, you will need to do it manually. The easiest thing to do is change you .htaccess file permissions, go back into the permalinks option in wordpress and update it again. Usually fixes it.

If that's not it, you can try /%category%/%postname%/
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