WordPress bug - help!

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New member
Apr 9, 2007
Just installed WP for a new site and it's being really strange...

I couldn't delete 'hello world' - it seemed to delete, but on refresh was still there. (Managed to get rid with suicide)

I can't go into the code part for posts and pages only WYSIWYG.

I can't add categories...

Never had it do this before and can't find anything about it on their support...

Anyone got any ideas?

Ok, this is really doing my head in!

It seems to have been caused by me changing .htaccess before I changed the permalink structure... fuck.

By deleting .htaccess, changing permalinks back, letting WP rebuild .htaccess then changing permalinks again I got the code part working, but I can't add categories at all now!

Think I might just start again on this one unless anyone knows how I can sort it... please!?

(Fuck.. and I've only got 10 posts to sort out some nice breasts!)
.htaccess is used when changing the permalink structure, though I cant seem to see how your .htaccess would fuck with your WYSIWG/code view panels. Maybe you forgot to upload a file or files to your server, did you try re uploading the core files?
yes, make sure you have all the files on on the webserver... after that you might try to delete your browser cache or try with another browser... good luck
This has happened to me before. If you go to Options - General and then set the WordPress and Blog URL to include the www before your domain name. You'll be forced to login again and then you should be right.
This has happened to me before. If you go to Options - General and then set the WordPress and Blog URL to include the www before your domain name. You'll be forced to login again and then you should be right.

You beat me to it! I had the same problem with a number of blogs, resolved it with modifying the URL option as Ferbent stated.
Cheers guys, I got it working last night without the www, but would've had dup pages. Changed the urls (and .htaccess again) - all sorted!
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