WordPress Blog won't open in IE?

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New member
Oct 7, 2008
Ok, so im on my second blog and I went to look at it in IE which i've never done and it won't open it if I leave the tracking link on the Index page? If I take the tracking link out it will open the page, but it will completely jack up the sidebar? Im pretty new to building blogs/wordpress and really new to any type of code. Ive searched on here for an answer but cant find anything, any help would be appreciated.

Ok Ive tested the url you sent In firefox and google chrome and both are rendering the page ok... In IE it is stopping loading when it gets to:

<script src="http://static.tracking202.com/lp/[removed]/landing.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Ive replaced the id with [removed] just in case

Its on line 26 when you view the loaded source

Have you added this or is it something native to your host?

I think if you remove this it should fix the problem...

I have no idea what it is and without seeing the source of this js file i cannot give you an idea what the problem is (javascipt is not my strong point)

can you remove that line of code and see if it fixes it
thanks for checking that out! I just removed that. Its what i was using for tracking, lol. Like I said I am completely new to any type of coding so I just threw that in to track the hits. I removed it and now it pulls up in IE, thanks again.

On a side note, i havent researched this yet since i just removed my tracking link. What would be a different way to track the hits?

Thanks again for the help!
mmmmm... Its a very strange problem in that its only happening in IE... the page loads fine in other browsers so its most likely not anything to do with your host... sorry i cant help more.. perhaps somebody else can shed some light on it for you... lots of good programmers on here... otherwise all i can suggest is get another tracker...
Really? Why's that?

guess its a good thing I only did the month long hosting

I have a client that insists on using Godaddy who is constantly plagued with downtime and slow response times. When he complains to them they basically tell him nothing is wrong. I keep telling him to leave them but he prepaid for a few years and despite my best efforts he still remains.

These are his stats from today:
Time Response Status Location
00:12 1986 OK US
00:42 1972 OK US
01:12 2139 OK US
01:42 3253 OK US
02:12 2300 OK US
02:42 4552 OK US
03:12 3547 OK US
03:42 1997 OK US
04:12 2108 OK US
04:42 2354 OK US
05:12 2148 OK US
05:42 2890 OK US
06:12 4307 OK US
06:42 2444 OK US
07:12 2643 OK US
07:42 4420 OK US
08:12 1853 OK US
08:42 2320 OK US
09:12 2354 OK US
09:42 2231 OK US
10:12 1583 OK US
10:42 2262 OK US
11:12 2337 OK US

By comparison here is a hostgator site I moniter:
Time Response Status Location
00:07 596 OK US
00:37 466 OK US
01:07 331 OK US
01:37 279 OK US
02:07 261 OK US
02:37 322 OK US
03:07 260 OK US
03:37 279 OK US
04:07 378 OK US
04:37 524 OK US
05:07 263 OK US
05:37 339 OK US
06:07 307 OK US
06:37 252 OK US
07:07 364 OK US
07:37 443 OK US
08:07 271 OK US
08:37 305 OK US
09:07 501 OK US
09:37 287 OK US
10:07 235 OK US
10:37 333 OK US
11:07 617 OK US

Both URLs point to a wordpress installation and both are on a shared server.
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