Wo0t! My first profit

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Symmetry Power

Aspiring Thousandaire
Apr 8, 2007
Washington State
I made my first profit this week with azoogle. So far since I signed up with them last week I've made about 80 bucks. I know that ain't a lot but I'm really excited. I've heard that it's good to actually profit in your first month hehe.. yay me!:rasta:

Hey your on your way, and $80 isn't bad at all for your first week. People bitch on here all the time about not being able to make $2 a day with adsense hahaha
Hey your on your way, and $80 isn't bad at all for your first week. People bitch on here all the time about not being able to make $2 a day with adsense hahaha

Yep I am one of those people making $2.00 a day with adsense. But like everyone else said once I made the first $1.00 that was the best feeling and big milestone.

Congrats now set your next goal to reach and get going...

Hey thanks everyone for the congratz and encouraging responses.. I am working on making my next goal right now.. and yeah the first money really felt good heh..
i like how its mostly people with lower amount of posts that come into theses "oh i made XXX money" threads and say congrats lol

fuck you! just kidding but i've found as i've made more money i have less and less time to come hang out here. got to put into practice what we learn. it's giving encouragement to these newbies.
i like how its mostly people with lower amount of posts that come into theses "oh i made XXX money" threads and say congrats lol

That could mean that the higher posters are all rich and don't care, or it could mean that no one cares and the lower posters post to boost their post count. hahaha

No but seriously, congrats. The first profit feels good no matter what business you're in.
Hey man, I just made my first affiliate profit today! We shall both take over the world now! But seriously, congratulations, as I know exactly how it feels.
Hey man, I just made my first affiliate profit today! We shall both take over the world now! But seriously, congratulations, as I know exactly how it feels.

all right man... congratz to you 2. Yeah let's take over the world.. muhahahha.. and then force everyone to sign up for our offers under threat of our massive army.. muhahah.. :2gunsfiring_v1:
Awesome. It's nice to see new people taking advantage of opportunites that the internet provides. Somehow, it makes me feel good to see other people's success as much as it does my own. (Unless they're using Learjets as personal taxis, haha.) But yeah, congratulations man!
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