#Winning at DUI Checkpoints


Illusion has become real.
May 27, 2009
Northern Mexico
LiveLeak.com - DUI Checkpoint Refusal

Just picture this guy at the other side of the camera:

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99% of the time they'd tell you to gtfo the car (and force you if you didn't), strip search you, stick a finger in your ass and say it was all because your car smelled of drugs and booze. He got lucky he ran into 2 "nice" cops who didn't feel like dicking around. Then he goes and posts this shit and now next time someone runs into these same 2 cops they may not be so nice, just saying.
99% of the time they'd tell you to gtfo the car (and force you if you didn't), strip search you, stick a finger in your ass and say it was all because your car smelled of drugs and booze. He got lucky he ran into 2 "nice" cops who didn't feel like dicking around.

This is all I was thinking as I watched. Was just waiting for them to get the drug dogs that magically bark.
Shit won't work in Australia, you'll be arrested if you refuse a breath test.

Anyway this is how it's done in Canada
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxOqHAUk2EY]How to Deal with DUI Checkpoints - YouTube[/ame]
^ Yeah guy had brass balls + he's completely coherent + he's obviously on a nice ride meaning money, meaning possible legal troubles, meaning let him go.

If he was drunk this obviously wouldn't have worked, but it's nice to watch the silence and tell em to fuck off for bullshit DUI checkpoints.
Bit odd. They answer his questions when he refuses to answer theirs. No sobriety test given and no fuck given. Maybe they recognise him as some prominent lawyer or politician and didn't care to pursue the matter when they had no good cause to believe he was intoxicated. Bit of a douche IMO.
yo what the fuck... how does that work? do you just not answer the question?

You never have to incriminate yourself. 5th Amendment win.

"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."
He is exercising his right to not incriminate himself. So by keeping silent he is not engaging them.

At the same time he is showing them he is sober by asking clear questions.

The two answers above me too.

And..now I'm not an expert....

But the cops use a bunch of different 'indicators' to determine if you're a candidate for a DUI charge.

Nothing is proven until you fail a breathalyzer test or a blood test which is still only evidence against you at the trial.

Soooo.... they ask you to take a bunch of indicator tests.... they talk and ask you questions and make you get out and move around to try to determine if they can see indicators like slurred speech and lack of coordination before they finally decide that you're giving them enough 'indicators' to CHARGE YOU with DUI haul in and make you take the breathalyzer and/or blood tests - which they can legally make you take as part of your agreement for getting your drivers license.

BUT you don't have to take the indicator tests because you haven't been charged with anything yet.

This guy is just refusing to give them any sort of indicator (aka answering questions). This would make them have to accuse him of DUI without being able to test him on it which is a big gamble for them if they are wrong.

But.... by him asking them questions and filming them and in general being a coherent asshole.... he pretty much passed any test that they were actually trying to give him.
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99% of the time they'd tell you to gtfo the car (and force you if you didn't), strip search you, stick a finger in your ass and say it was all because your car smelled of drugs and booze. He got lucky he ran into 2 "nice" cops who didn't feel like dicking around. Then he goes and posts this shit and now next time someone runs into these same 2 cops they may not be so nice, just saying.

and he was holding a camera. Someone pulls up to a checkpoint I'm running (in theory - am not a cop) and is obviously trying to troll me while putting a camera in my face, I'm letting him go too. Not worth it, especially if they're "technically" right.
Just a minor correction:

Nothing is proven until you fail a breathalyzer test or a blood test.

A breathalyzer doesn't "prove" anything. The only thing it does is indicate that there may be a percentage of alcohol present (it can't determine what kind...i.e. is it vodka or mouthwash?)

It's primarily used to help build a case against you but is never damning proof.

Disclaimer: IANAL but I did fuck a paralegal on her period a few weeks ago.