Windows VPS or small Windows Dedi


corporate hustler
Oct 11, 2008
Hurr thurr WF brobocops,

I have come to you for some advice.

Since I travel quiet a lot, and use a laptop as my work computer (hooked up with external screens when I'm home) I never have enough time to run my tools... Rank trackers, SB, AMR etc.

I am looking for a solution where I could run these programs all day.. urr day..

Would you recommend a VPS, or something like a P4 1gb ram dedi server..

Elaboratez please

Well it depends entirely on what tools you need to run.

I myself mostly use tools that require huge bandwidth but minimal cpu/ram so i just run a 1GB ram server2003 VPS with unmetered bandwidth.

With the tools you listed you could probably get away with something similar
It will also depend on your budget and softwares you will use. Try out a VPS for 1 month. If it fits your need, it's good enough or else get a Dedicated server. For me, I use scrapebox in my newly brought VPS ($15 monthly) with 256 RAM, Windows 2003 server with unmetered bandwidth. It works just fine for me.
Great.. Any companies that you guys recommend?

Can't vouch but ran across this recently. Thought for $12/month might be worth looking into.

This is where the discount code is - Gigabit Windows/Linux VPS Hosting Provider (Never Oversold!) - Web Hosting Talk

Windows Hyper-V Mini (Hyper Mini I)
Monthly Price: $20.00/month $12.00/month for WHT members only (using coupon code "HYPERVWHT8MN")
Yearly Price: $180.00/year $120.00/year (that's only $10.00 per month!) for WHT members only (using coupon code "HYPERVWHT60YR")
Setup Fee: FREE!
Disk Space: 20 GB
Memory (RAM): 512 MB
Monthly Transfer: 500 GB 800 GB!
CPU Cores: 1
Click Here to Order!

and this is where the actual hosting company is

saw somewhere on one of those they had a low end dedi for $25/month.

Like I said haven't used and don't know of there reliability.

id like to know where people are finding unmetered BW windows boxes, cause my search of webhostingtalk turns up not very many, especially unmetered windows.
I think you guys are crazy for running with companies to manage your servers, I like to deal 1 on 1 with the owner of a small data center tbh.