Windows Hosting


Jul 29, 2009
I am looking for a two cheapo win. hosting servers (VPS...) with Remote Desktop Access - don't care about bandwidth as it is just for testing out some .net apps.

Both servers have the following min. requirements:
* NT server XP 5.1 (windows server 2005 and up)
* IIS 5
*Remote Desktop Access
* MS SQL Server - 2000

Any Suggestions?

I'm looking for Windows VPS myself with remote desktop
Would like to hear suggestions
Do you guys ave a budget in mind?

SQL Server will cost you extra unless you opt for SQL Server Express which is free.
wouldn't it be cheaper getting a linux VPS and just using an SSH tunnel in order to surf the net via that VPS's address?

I need more than just IP address, and more than just browsing. Need a different machine. Now that I think of it, I might remote desktop to a linux machine.. though aw editor doesn't have linux version so I guess I do need windows.
I need more than just IP address, and more than just browsing. Need a different machine. Now that I think of it, I might remote desktop to a linux machine.. though aw editor doesn't have linux version so I guess I do need windows.

... why not use VmWare or something of that sort and tunnel that... And the tunneling itself being on linux doesn't have an impact on windows apps cuz thats networking not the OS.

You're thinking bout it the wrong way. (SSH Tunneling, piggy backs off your server's network connection, so you can run an app on your desktop (or virtual machine) , so that it goes Machine -> Internet -> SSH Server -> It's internet -> Your destination.
And the tunneling itself being on linux doesn't have an impact on windows apps cuz thats networking not the OS.

exactly why tunneling won't solve my problem. I want it to impact all apps that connect to internet. Especially adwords editor.

Now I could use a VPN on top of vmware, but I guess VPS is just the simplest way to have total isolation without actually buying a new machine. You just rent it :)
exactly why tunneling won't solve my problem. I want it to impact all apps that connect to internet. Especially adwords editor.

That didn't make much sense to me, for example on my mac I can actually setup an OpenVPN connection to my linux based VPN so that all connections go thru the server. But I guess as you were saying earlier you can always lease a VPN from different people from time to time that way you're not bound to your VPS's IP.
WTF is up with PhotonVPS??? got a server from them 3 days ago - still cant log into an account (Ticket ID: 731783)

"...We have checked your query your vps is created from Hypervm panel but we will transfer you on Solusvm panel very soon..."

What the fuck is this... I never asked to transfer to solusvm - dont really give a fuck about a panel - I just need access to something - It is like they take your money then fuck around till they suck a few months of payment...

PhotonVPS = godaddy?
WTF is up with PhotonVPS??? got a server from them 3 days ago - still cant log into an account (Ticket ID: 731783)

"...We have checked your query your vps is created from Hypervm panel but we will transfer you on Solusvm panel very soon..."

What the fuck is this... I never asked to transfer to solusvm - dont really give a fuck about a panel - I just need access to something - It is like they take your money then fuck around till they suck a few months of payment...

PhotonVPS = godaddy?

Means they're gona transfer you from Microsoft's HyperV (which is better suited for windows virtualizatino) to an Xen vitalization managed by SolusVm (which is more of a resource hog but it can run on a linux host). Though I don't know why they didn't just set you up with solus in the first place if thats how they were gona move ya.

And personally from hearing that I would say PhotonVPS = Going the way of Volsh.