Win a PS3 / Xbox 360, etc - is this an appealing contest?

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Jul 15, 2006
So I posted this exact same thing on DP (here) and so far have had no response. Hoping WF will fare better...

Hey everyone, I'm starting a contest to build some popularity for a new site I'm launching.

The contest is for Lifetime Text Links - One Way Textlinks and Permanent Links - $1 and you can find the details here.


1) What do you think of the contest?
2) Are the prizes intriguing enough? Will I be attracting the right crowd (progressive webmasters).
3) Any ideas for tracking the contest? So far, trusty excel spreadsheets are my staple but there may be software out there that I'm not aware of.
4) What would you do differently to enhance the contest?

The goal is to build popularity so the links the webmasters buy in my directory have value.

The contest (and the full site for that matter) hasn't been officially announced yet -- but it I will accept early entries still. Just know that the timeline and prizes may change as I'm finalizing the project, the content for the site, and site design.

I'm curious to see what WF members have to say about this.

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A PS3, fuck yeah I could use one of them, here is a question, what if we've got multiple blogs can we write one post on each blog linking to the required area's and cash in on the extra points or is it basically a set amount of points that you can gain, because if its a set amount of points I can top out in like 20 minutes of work.
A PS3, fuck yeah I could use one of them, here is a question, what if we've got multiple blogs can we write one post on each blog linking to the required area's and cash in on the extra points or is it basically a set amount of points that you can gain, because if its a set amount of points I can top out in like 20 minutes of work.

Thanks for the feedback Aequitas!

Very good question.

I think to keep people from creating 1000 new blogspot and sites, I'm going to say the site needs to be 6 months old OR have a PR of 1.

As long as the blogs meet that criteria, I don't see why I should cap the amount of blogs you can enter.
Thanks for the feedback Aequitas!

Very good question.

I think to keep people from creating 1000 new blogspot and sites, I'm going to say the site needs to be 6 months old OR have a PR of 1.

As long as the blogs meet that criteria, I don't see why I should cap the amount of blogs you can enter.

Sounds good so far, I'll have to finish up reading the point system, I only got like half way down before I was distracted again haha.
Actually, NO it is not appealing.

I hate contests that change rules mid stride - and you state exactly that in your rules.

Prices are fine, rules are not.

Actually, NO it is not appealing.

I hate contests that change rules mid stride - and you state exactly that in your rules.

Prices are fine, rules are not.


hold on a sec, I haven't even launched this contest yet. How am I changing them mid-stride?

I'm asking for opinions and will launch the contest, with a full rule sheet that doesn't change, on monday (if not sooner).
NM - I take that back, I realize what you are talking about. Item #4 on the site:

4) Watch this page for future ways to earn more points. This may include MySpace, Squidoo, VIRB, MyBlogLog, Twittr, etc. We'll let you know when we add more options to earn more points for this contest.

Ok, that's fair. I'll finalize everything this weekend before the launch and then the rules will be set for duration of the contest.

Thanks for the input (seriously).
I quote from your page (emphasis mine):

4) Watch this page for future ways to earn more points. This may include MySpace, Squidoo, VIRB, MyBlogLog, Twittr, etc. We'll let you know when we add more options to earn more points for this contest.

I would not touch this contest with a 10 foot pole.

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