Will you consider using a Facebook app that lets you send and receive money?

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You could click to send money IN facebook if it opened a new window for paypal payment. Still I think people would be nervous.

If a lot of "friends" had it installed it would make others feel more comfortable that it was "secure". And that, my friends, is somewhat of a conundrum.
There's a lot of stupids out there who'd say yes to this question.
Considering there are already some thing on Facebook that require the use of money on and within Facebook, like the gifts and paying for your PPC, I'd say that this might have some merit to it.

What are you thinking it could be used for though, other than cash gifts?
FB, from what I recall of it, doesn't like other people monetizing their system without them getting a slice.
You could click to send money IN facebook if it opened a new window for paypal payment. Still I think people would be nervous.

If a lot of "friends" had it installed it would make others feel more comfortable that it was "secure". And that, my friends, is somewhat of a conundrum.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts :) It would definitely help if more and more people, especially your very own friends, would add the application. The tricky thing, though, is if your friends merely added the application but didn't use it.
There's speculation that Facebook will announce the ability to send and receive money during the Facebook Developers Conference next week.
Why reinvent the wheel payapl obviously owns the online money transfer space. Just look at ebay's earnings, most of which is based on paypal. And look even google is having a hard time competeing. It's like Visa and Discover card.
I ask this knowing nothing about Facebook T&Cs for apps.

It wouldn't take too much work for me to write an app that simulated roulette. I would envisage each user starting out with, say, 1,000 credits and attempting to end up with a high score amongst their friends. Now, no money would change hands, and the random number generator wouldn't be great, being based on a pseudorandom number generator.

Now, do you think there'd be mileage in writing such an application, with a filthy great "PLAY LIVE ROUTELLE NOW!!!LOLLERSKAYTZ!!!" ad on the top of the app page?

Just a brief idea...
Of course I would use something like that. I'm PMing you all my bank account and credit card info now. And my SSN, I'd hate for you to not have that.
But this is using Facebook's own system, right? Or do you think this will include applications that allow the sending and receiving of money?

I'm not sure, but if they let applications send and receive money (while taking a cut of their own), there will be some big money making opportunities to those who act fast. It's all guessing at this point, but it seems like a logical next step if they can get around the banking regulations like PayPal has.
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