Will this link help me?


New member
Jan 26, 2010
I have a site in the health/sleep niche, that im working on at the moment. It was doing great, but is currently doing the g dance. In any event, with what happened in the rankings, ive been building links (edu profiles, directory submits, blog guests posts, web 2.0s etc.)

I came across an old link partner of mine who is offering a $5 per year text link on his site. This site is nowhere near my niche, its a torrent directory (not like iso hunt or pirate bay, this is just a list of real torrent sites).

According to the owner it gets 9500 uniques per day, but what Im really interested in its link juice value. The site is a verified PR 4, five years old, listed in Dmoz.

The kicker is that the links on the homepage rotate on every page refresh. Not random, they just start 1-6, then refresh 2-7, refresh 3-8 and so on. Ive refreshed the page a few times and it doesent look like their is that many links in total.

So my very long winded question is. First should I buy this link? Does the rotation reduce its link juice giving ability? If I buy it, should it be for traffic purposes only? The fact that its a different niche?

EDIT: I realize its only $5, so I guess what I am trying to avoid is something that would do more harm than good to my site.

I figured one of the se0 experts on here could help me out.

hmm I've never considered the effect that rotating a link would have on its "juice". Regardless, if it doesn't work as an effective backlink there is no doubt that you will get some decent traffic for it, and as you've stated, it's only $5 for a year which is crazy. Hell, I've been burned on fiverr for $5 and gotten nothing...
hmm I've never considered the effect that rotating a link would have on its "juice". Regardless, if it doesn't work as an effective backlink there is no doubt that you will get some decent traffic for it, and as you've stated, it's only $5 for a year which is crazy. Hell, I've been burned on fiverr for $5 and gotten nothing...

Right, its just one of those things where I dont really think torrent traffic is going to help me sell health products, so I wouldnt be all to concerned with that traffic.

The link juice on the other hand.

Also the site owner has now told me that if I want he will give me a static link for $25 a month, minimum of 3 months. Thoughts?
There may not be an interest in rotating links in a torrent directory.
And if it is different niche you wont get any traffic.May be PR4 is somewhat matter it is best to have a text link in that place.

So your saying take the static link, or dont take the static link?
I'd say stay away from It.
When that site is linking to other Torrent trackers, there is a high probability that it most certainly is linking to atleast one 'bad-neighborhood'.
This is certainly bad for that site but when it links to you it could mean no link-juice or in the rarest of the rare cases, even a probability of a penalty.

You'd rather put up offers to buy in-content links from already posted unique articles from established blogs.
You can pay them $1-5 for a permanent link within one of their already published blog-posts(provided the comments on that article are disabled or nofollow).
use it to link to another site's page that links to you, if youre afraid it will hurt your site
fucking idiot, ponder more over $5 lol

take your dumb ass to the noob section with this shit and your shitty MFA blog
