Will Someone Please Invite Me Into The Learning Center, So I Might Learn


New member
Jan 26, 2010
California, USA
I am new and want to learn as much as I can and as quick as possible. Would like excess to the learning center so I can check out some threads. Could someone please invite me in, or tell me how is the best way to get invited.

I use the "fucking search function", but it did not work.

I get this

Education Center Only members who have been invited are allowed to participate inside this section.

If its a live thread, you can have excess to it, if its closed, you can not.

Any other ideas?
you arent going to learn anything from getting invited to some learning center. read the stickies in the noob forum a couple times then ask specific questions
That gay link sure has been going around this week. I thought this site liked boobs, not dicks Pedobear.

Guess I will stick to the live threads
I am new and want to learn as much as I can and as quick as possible. Would like excess to the learning center so I can check out some threads. Could someone please invite me in, or tell me how is the best way to get invited.

Dude, nobody's posted in there in over a year; there's nothing relevant in there that you couldn't learn in the open forums.
There is nothing in the "learning center" that you can't find on the open forum. It was an idea that Jon had a long time back and didn't gain the traction we all hoped it would.

You will learn best by DOING. Reading will only get you so far, but you don't truly start to learn until you start doing something. Build a site, try to push traffic to it, find out what works and what doesn't. Learn from the triumphs and mistakes. Rinse, repeat.
I was one of the people invited to the Education Center. It was a great idea at the beginning, gave me a swift kick in the ass and really motivated me to step up my game. But, like SEO_Mike said, everything you need is already on the open forums.