Wikipedia link..


Haters gonna H88
Sep 24, 2010
Los Angeles, CA
LoL - so sometimes I'd "TRY" and add a wikipedia link, only to see it be removed within an hour or two. I've added my link a few days ago and it's been stuck on there ever sense. How often do you guys post wikipedia or try and implement your links into their site? How long until you see them removed?

I have had some mixed success with this, and in my opinion it all depends on the niche and how closely the page is watched by the moderators. If you provide legitimate info, and add your link as a legitimate source then you can often run off laughing into the sunset.

Unfortunately there are a lot of niches where it seems big pharm has their hands in the moderators pockets, and no matter what is added or how much substance and proof is placed within the is removed almost immediately.

But I have also been testing out some fiverr gigs that aim to take care of all of this for me.
There are bots out there that will watch your link for you and if it is removed, will put it right back from a new IP address, ya know...
So just how helpful are these nofollow links?

How did I know this would spiral into a nofollow / dofollow relevancy debate?

If I can get a nofollow link...I'll take it. If I can get a dofollow link..I'll take that too.
Yeah seriously.. IMO all links are good links, even from an authoritative site such as wikipedia. Even if it is no follow, the shit counts im sure. For sake of argument - If someone had a (homepage) link, no follow - you think you'd get no juice? I think the link is a good one...
In my experience, these type of nofollows do nothing other than set you apart from the comp that doesn't have them :drinkup:

Yeah seriously.. IMO all links are good links, even from an authoritative site such as wikipedia. Even if it is no follow, the shit counts im sure. For sake of argument - If someone had a (homepage) link, no follow - you think you'd get no juice? I think the link is a good one...
A good couple of years ago wiki was still do follow, great source for links. Sadly it isn't anymore. It depends on the content of your site how long will that link stick.
The discussion pages aren't indexed though, right?

One of things people forget about wikipedia is how much that site gets syndicated. Tons of autoblogs rip from it (most of which remove the links) but there are also a number of authority sites like that just post it in it's entirety.
This is exactly it. If you can make it stick, you'll get links from all over. I've had some stick for years now (that actually provides value), and it's been syndicated over and over
Any idea how to get a page deleted? A competitor of one of my clients has a shitty page which is all self-promo bullshit, no decent links. I've tried to mark it for deletion, but the neckbeards won't drop the hammer.
Change the page language to some obscure foreign language and add your link in, the foreign pages are a lot less moderated/reviewed. Have had links stick using this in questionable niches.
PLEASE don't listen to all of the guys that are saying wikipedia links are worthless because they are no-follow. And as for you guys, please don't spew nonsense... it's unhealthy for the Wickedfire community and SEO as a whole.

So just to re-iterate, Wikipedia links are very valuable... if you can get them to stick. Side note: Tons of websites scrape wikipedia content, including citations... so you get more links than just from Wikipedia.

I built a Wikipedia Farm and sold it. I have a good amount of experience with it.

I won't give you guys the entire strategy, that'd promote laziness and would screw over people that put in work to learn how to get links on Wikipedia.

Here's a few Tips:

1. You need to create a Wikipedia account and season it before you link drop. They have bots that search for unregistered users dropping links as well as registered users that only drop links... you'll get caught. By "season it", I mean make legitimate edits.. don't start dropping links right away. Keep 80%/20% edit ratio, 20% being dropping links. After you get 5-10 links down, start over with a new account to hedge your risk.

2. Stay away from heavily moderated/very active pages until you REALLY know what you're doing. Start off on pages that see <5 edits a month. Once you got some skill, you can go after better pages.

3. If you get heat (mods/active members start deleting your links), DON'T fight back, it's not worth the attention.

4. Comment on your wikipedia edits. There's a comment field when you make an edit, all the active members/mods do it... read how they make their comments and mimic them. Lack of comment is a red flag that you are an outsider.

5. Like #4, blend in your links. See why other links are allowed to slide... mimic that.

Link Hard. Deuces.
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