Wikileaks' Assange wanted on suspicion of rape


Illusion has become real.
May 27, 2009
Northern Mexico
Informant leaker learns how payback's a bitch. I hope he "leaked" some dna evidence (pun definitely intended)

STOCKHOLM (AP) - A Swedish tabloid says an arrest warrant has been issued for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on suspicion of rape, and officials have issued a statement "confirming media reports."

The prosecutor's office in Stockholm "confirms media reports that a foreign citizen has been arrested in absentia" but doesn't name Assange.

It says the arrest involves one count of molestation and one count of rape.

The WikiLeaks Twitter page referred to Saturday's article in Expressen, which cites prosecutor Maria Haljebo Kjellstrand, as "dirty tricks."

It says: "Expressen is a tabloid; No one here has been contacted by Swedish police. Needless to say this will prove hugely distracting."

Assange was in Sweden last week.

This seems fairly absurd. There are reports that Black Ops from the USA and possibly other countries are trying to abduct him and what does he do? He goes prowling? This seems like it would be the last thing on his mind even if he was a predator.

This is normal when you piss off people with power. They go after you in every way possible and try to discredit you. Pedophilia seems like a good way to do it. Sometimes accuse someone of homosexuality. Evading taxes etc. This is all a diversion and trying to teach us a lesson.
^ Agree. Doesn't add up. When someone has a big target on their back and something like this surfaces, looks pretty fishy.
Yeah they interviewed a woman who was supposed to be like the DA or something in Sweden for the case and she couldn't answer anything, it was awkward like: who filed the charges? "I don't know" when? "I don't know" do you have evidence? "I don't know", how old are the witnesses? "I don't know" etc..

It was strange that he said something about dirty tricks days prior but he could've written it after the supposed rapes. The again when you're fucking with CIA type informants, it's not hard to believe that he may have been set up like that, even if it was consensual by some sort of spy hooker then claiming rape. who knows but It'll be interesting to see how it plays out.
stupid play given that he's an australian citizen and australia doesn't give a shit about about anything except the election atm... they want to give our gov't and excuse to suspend his passport but no party is going to do anything controversial in the next couple of weeks and no media is going to give it much airplay.
This seems fairly absurd. There are reports that Black Ops from the USA and possibly other countries are trying to abduct him and what does he do? He goes prowling? This seems like it would be the last thing on his mind even if he was a predator.

This is normal when you piss off people with power. They go after you in every way possible and try to discredit you. Pedophilia seems like a good way to do it. Sometimes accuse someone of homosexuality. Evading taxes etc. This is all a diversion and trying to teach us a lesson.

Exactly. And since the masses care less and less about being gay or not paying taxes, molestation and rape are about the only guns they have left.

And in another 10-20 years when papers come out saying that 82% of reported rapes are false* then no one will care about that either, eventually you won't be able to discredit someone. lol

*pulled out of my ass.
Actually, it is all over BBC News and CNN - Swedish Government has TAKEN BACK this Warrent. Sweden drops rape accusation against founder of WikiLeaks -

I doubt the goal was ever to convict and jail him. It was just to discredit him. Even if the molestation charge drops (he's still being investigated), the seed has been planted. Whenever his picture is shown, people will remember the "rape/molestation thing."

Jailing Assange looks bad for the U.S. It implies they have something to hide. That means they can't do it. Discrediting him is the next best thing. And it was just done.
Discredit him? As if he's a potential leader of men or running for some kind of political office?

That doesn't make any sense, he's just some dude behind a popular website. What kind of positive impact did the gov think this would actually make for them?

All I see it doing is giving him and wikileaks more publicity.

This seems like a really stupid move.